Industrialization is among our chief national causes. In order to serve and sustain this cause, we will establish and operate all types of industries, no matter their scale, whose raw materials are readily available in our country. This is an obligation primarily for the defense of our country as well for making good use of our products and for achieving the ideal of a prosper and advanced Turkey in the shortest way possible. “ ” MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATÜRK Source: November 1, 1937 Periodical of the Minutes of the National Assembly Term. V, Vol. 20, p. 3ABOUT US Chamber Of Industry The largest and most well established chamber of industry in Turkey with over 20,000 members today, the Istanbul Chamber of Industry was established in 1952 upon the written request of about 750 industrialists. The Istanbul Chamber of Industry was initially located in the IV Vakıf Han, before moving to the Kılavuz Han in Sirkeci, and later to the Kruger Han on Meşrutiyet Street until 2017. On June 12, 2017, Istanbul Chamber of Industry renovated with modern technology and moved to the Odakule building. From then on, all the units of the chamber have started to offer services at this building. 7 Istanbul Chamber Of Industry ICI member industrial enterprises have a significant share in the macroeconomic value created in Turkey. are realized. Approximately 33% of Turkey’s Top 500 Industrial Enterprises are ICI Members. Total industrial added value at about %37 Production of Turkish industry sector at about %34 and total industrial employment at about %31 ICI MEMBER INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES NUMBER OF OUR MEMBERS BY YEARS ,, 17.542 18.279 18.729 19.347 20.024 20.689Next >