Bilal Khan Pasha, Istanbul Consul General of Pakistan Visited ICI

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Bilal Khan Pasha, Istanbul Consul General and Commercial Attaché of Pakistan as well visited Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI) on 20 February 2019. While Bilal Khan Pasha was being hosted by İrfan Özhamaratlı, the ICI Deputy President of Board of Directors, Vehbi Canpolat, the ICI Board of Directors Member participated in the meeting as well. Serdar Sütçüoğlu, the Deputy Chairman of Turkish Turkish Home Textile Industrialist and Business People Association (TETSIAD) and Istanbul Consular Agent of Pakistan took place in the meeting.

The attention to fact that the commercial relation between the two countries was way below the actual potential was drawn and the that how these relations can be increased in a much healthier and permanent way was talked about during the visit. In the negotiation where the textile, garment industry and machine sectors can come to the forefront in this period as locomotive sectors in this terms was talked about, it was emphasized that communication and information sharing among the institutions should be more fluent and efficient. And it was stated that participation of Turkish companies operating in the textile and garment industry to the “Pakistan 2nd International Textile Fair” which will be organized on 11-14 April 2019 in Lahor in Pakistan will be very beneficial in this sense.