ISO Archive The huge price paid by our are in a period in which the Medium Term Program (MTP) is progressing patiently and successfully step by step.ICI Strategic Transformation recent years, one of the topics we have been thinking and working on the most for the future of our industry is to catch up with the change and transformation trends in the world in every field from education to human resources, to production and to financing.New Era in Economy and the elections of the new cabinet, the new management of the Central Bank started to work.The Importance of Collaboration with Local authorities are the first level of public participation in governance due to the roles they play in democratic life and the functions they assume in delivering public services to the public. Decisions taken properly also enable the effective execution of services.ISO 500 and a Busy We left behind another busy month full of many activities that we carried out on behalf of our industry. First of all, I would like to talk about our traditional ICI Assembly trip that we organized in the first days of June. Our trip was to Şırnak and Hakkari, two distinguished cities of our country that have been known with terrorism for years, but where peace prevails today. It was full of moments and activities that will remain in our memories for a long time. The first day of our trip started with Cizre and continued on the same day with the most fun and striking part of the trip, the Gabar oil wells. We spent all our childhood searching for an answer to the question 'Is there oil in Türkiye?'. Like chasing a beautiful dream, this question has always excited me. Years later, we saw the answer to th...Facts in the “ICI Water Report”……/Last month, we had the pride of sharing a very important report that we have been working on for a long time.Our Business World and Important Issues……/There are many issues awaiting solutions, such as the healthier functioning of our business world and production life, and access to qualified employment.After a busy have left behind a very busy month of activity.We addressed the insurance issue in the recent years, our industrial sector has been trying to cope with many structural problems such as access to financial resources, investments, employment, incentives, the tax system, unrecorded revenues and many more.The Year of Struggling for the have left behind the first month of a difficult year for our country's economy and our industry.New Year Means New Hopes……/We have left behind another year. In the future, one of the things in our memories about the year 2023 will undoubtedly be earthquakes.Importance and Messages of ISO released with a little delay the results of ICI’s Türkiye's Top 500 Industrial Enterprises survey for 2022, a survey we have been announcing since 1968 and which has become the most precious brand of both ICI and Türkiye.Our expectations from are experiencing a very rapidly changing period, both economically and geopolitically. We need to follow up these changes and developments very closely. We do not have any time to lose.New Industrial Age and left behind a busy election period. After the elections for members of parliament, we completed the second round of presidential election on Sunday, May 28, 2023 as required by democracies.ICI Green Transformation climatic crises and environmental disasters that we experience each year demand more ecologically sensitive actions to conserve and sustain the nature in all aspects of life, from production to consumption.One-third of The ICI Life City Project is has been almost three months since the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş Our pain is still very fresh, and we are still mourning."ICI Living City" inürkiye Will Never Forget February 6th, 2023.  The earthquakes with the epicenter of Kahramanmaraş caused massive destruction in 11 provinces, resulting in the loss of over 45,000 of our citizens.Dialogue and Collaboration with a country, we started the year 2023 with macro-economic fragility caused by a slowing growth rate and high inflation on top of the negative global economic and geopolitical developments.The Happiness of Completing a Term of Duty……/Our term of duty covering the 2018-2022 period is ending this month. As previously announced by our Chamber and written in this column last month, we are going to elect the governing bodies for the new term this month.We Lost Our Visionary Chairman, Hüsamettin, last month, we lost our Chairman, Hüsamettin Kavi, our esteemed senior industrialist who had great contributions to our chamber.Importance of Qualified strong, predictable monetary policy, financial stability, qualified financing and fighting inflation...Stronger ICI, Stronger Industry with 70 Years of is a very important year for us, for the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI). We are celebrating our 70th anniversary.A Special Edition for the 70th was not easy for Türkiye to come to these days in terms of economy.The Risks and Uncertainties Arising from the the past 15 years, the world has been nearly unable to breathe, both economically and geopolitically.No Economy Was Able to Get Away From coronavirus pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented crisis in the modern world, especially in developed and developing countries from health and education to economy and social life.Pandemic and Wheels of World Health Organization announced that a new type of coronavirus (Covid-19) was described as pandemic on 11th, March. Besides, the World Health Organization stated that “they are highly concerned about the seriousness and spread of the pandemic”.Covid-19 ve Our Sectors in the New economy has been said to be passing through an unsteady term when talking about some primary economic parameters from industry manufacturing index to unemployment, from inflation to interest rates.ICI 500, Our Big and Valuable Istanbul Chamber of Industry, we experienced the proud of sharing the 2019 results of “ICI-Research of Top 500 Biggest Industrial Institutions of Türkiye” that we have been presenting to the public for 52 years constantly with the public once again last month even if it’s late because of the Covid-19 pandemic that continues to impact our lives in a negative direction unfortunately.Vocational High Schools, Development Banking and Occupational of the shining stars during the pandemic period was vocational high schools.Compliments for Our"I wholeheartedly congratulate all of our industrialists who continue to produce, transform and protect their employees by putting forward an admirable effort within with in the scope of the precautions.The World is Going Through a Severe of the world countries are kind of experiencing the shock of a surprise test. The main subject of the test is health. However, Covid-19 is not brining only the health, production and logistics but also the all parameters of the humanity to a challenging test.We Will Win Together With Hope and By were talking that we had left “the worst” behind us and entered into a year when we would get economically important gains three months before.Our Defense Industry and Qualified Production are going through a period in which geopolitical tensions, terrorism and thus the security concerns are rapidly increasing across the world.New Economy Understanding, Environment and are faced with a new economy understanding in the world. When it comes to economy in today’s world, production-consumption, money-interest and money policies of Central Banks are not discussed in a narrow concept.Entering to another are ending 2019 as a stressful year even not as much as 2018. While taking our first steps towards a new 10-year-period, if I was faced with the question of “What we remember about 2019 in economical sense?” I would say that “the success we achieved in the financial balance.Smart City, Industry and is a common is a common ideal for everyone living in this ancient city to be united around for Istanbul to be a more livable city and become a “brand city” pointed out by the world with its history, culture, industry and tourism.Complete Support for Peace Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI), we visit several cities of Türkiye in order to establish new collaborations and share out knowledge and experience with the business people who live outside of Istanbul.Financial Conditions Should Be Improved, R&D Should Be Focused for High Quality witnessed two significant developments for our economy in September. The first was the announcement of the growth data of second quarter of 2019.ICI Success at Vocational High trade volume has significantly enlarged in the recent years upon the opportunities resulted from the globalization.“Istanbul is not Istanbul without Industry, Industry is not Industry without Istanbul” Istanbul Chamber of Industry, we have explained our thoughts and vision on every platform about the improvement and development of Istanbul's "industrial identity" for yearsICI 500 and Our Committed announced the 2018 results of “ICI Research on 500 Top Industrial Organizations of Türkiye” that we have shared with the public constantly for 51 years which has been expected wholeheartedly by the world of economy.Common have no doubt that a strong Türkiye that can compete in the global market is not only the dream of us, the industrialists, but that of everyone living in these lands.Domestic But Universal, Today But Tomorrow Istanbul Chamber of Industry, we continue to conduct our works and projects with the aim for our country to become a strong industrial country.Employment Mobilization and ICI... second mobilization was initiated the last month to increase the employment.Our Dream in Vocational Education is Coming True took a decisive step with our stakeholders to solve a very significant but ignored problem for years within the education and business life on which we have been working and dreaming as industrialists.Optimistic Perspective towards the Industrialist and Future is a mysterious and exciting concept that arises the curiosity within us, makes us hopeful and sometimes nervous.Hope 2019 will be the Year of Peace, Stability and Efficiency we look at the entire world in the first days of the new year, we see that the factor which differentiates the industries of developed countries from those of competitors is their high competitive capacity.Balance in the Financial Area Should be Provided in Real economy has been said to be passing through an unsteady term when talking about some primary economic parameters from industry manufacturing index to unemployment, from inflation to interest rates.Focusing on Working Efficiently, Struggling Against the Inflation and Financial Istanbul Chamber of Industry Board of Directors, our priority target is to strengthen our industry and move our production and economy to the league of developed countries. We are perceiving our ICI Assembly as the most important support and solution source in the works which we will carry out in line with this aim.Financial Stability Means Stability in all should accept that our economy, our manufacturing world is going through a tough period. The financing world which is the shareholder in manufacturing period should act in a more responsive and sensitive way. Unfortunately, some banks are trying to profiteer with their immoderate approaches.New System, Newürkiye took a step towards a new term short while ago. It was predicted that the new system named as Presidential System of Government would be put into effect following the first Presidential elections. Thus, we are witnessing our new governmental system’s coming into existence following the elections carried out on 24 June 2018 all together.Trade Wars and Planning the considering the opposite, the biggest trade war of the recent history has turned into reality. While trade restrictive measures have been taken mutually between USA and Chine which are the big economies of the world, the blowing protection wind is causing disintegration between USA and European countries.ICI 500, Expansion and Our are two significant sources of pride in this year. First, we are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of “Türkiye’s Top 500 Industrial Enterprises” survey of ICI. We, proudly, announced the results of ICI 500 that had witnessed half a century since 1968 as a rare example not just in Türkiye but also in the world.Existing by Working, countries which have improved their economy and increased their wealth are the countries attaching importance to existing by working and producing. And the route to this passes through a powerful industry supported by production economy.New Term in realized the elections for Membership of Committee of Profession and Assembly, Assembly Presidency Council, Board of Directors, Discipline Committee, TOBB Delegates and Professional Committee Presidents and Deputies as an example in compliance with strong corporate culture, traditions and values of our Chamber in the first week of April.We Shouldn’t be a Mere Spectator for the future is a mysterious and exciting notion which arises everybody’s curiosity and hopes, and sometimes makes them concerned. We hosted Alphan Manas, innovative entrepreneur, futurist and Honorary President of Turkish Futurists Association in the February Assembly by realizing a perspective oriented to the future with the agenda of “Changing Business-Manufacture Understanding and Predictions about Future in the light of Science and Technology”.Our New Steps Towards Strengthening the held the negotiation meeting which will strengthen the cooperation with the Ministry of Economy with the aim of supporting sustainable growth in Türkiye’s economy within public-private sector cooperation, as Istanbul Chamber of Industry.Not Fading Light of the industry of Istanbul and Istanbul Chamber of Industry have very valuable tradition and knowledge for Türkiye. Istanbul Chamber of Industry has been leading the way for this country and our industrialists for 65 years.Hopes Invested in 2017 Will be Harvested in economy surprised many estimators by a strong performance in 2017. Various international foundations and rating institutions from OECD to IMF increased their estimations on growth which they made as 2% at the beginning of 2017 to 6% by revising almost two or three times.Searching out for Opportunities, Focusing onürkiye and China are taking important steps towards a cooperation process which has historical importance in recent years. We, in this term, held our “Opportunities for China Country Day and Türkiye” meeting in November with the aim of moving the business opportunities between China and Türkiye to a better spot in Istanbul which is always and historical center.Productive and Exciting left one month behind with precious and significant activities for being more close to the energy, defense industry, finance and our members.The Wheels of our Economy and Industry are Going growth in our economy by over 5% is significantly valuable and meaningful in terms of our social morale in the second quarter, just like in the first quarter of the year. It’s not in vain that both the ratings bureaus and various international institutions from OECD to IMF have increased their growth estimations concerning the economy in our country by revising one by one.Climate Change and Our is a fast increase in the natural disasters resulting from global climate change in the whole world. We come across with natural disaster news affecting societies, humans and economies negatively approximately in each day all around the world.15Th July and Our Economy Gaining traitor FETO coup attempt was the longest, saddest and the most painful event of recent period Republic and democracy history. What a pity we witnessed that siblings shot each other in that damned night.Renewed Odakula and ICI are in effort of providing service in much more qualified and effectual way for our members. As a result of this understanding, our Odakula building has gone through an extensive renewal process thoroughly with great efforts in the light of environmentalist and smart equipments to meet the today’s needs properly.The Bell-Shaped Model with New Reform and Investment need to establish a much more stable and stronger economical environment with a great speed. To say more clearly, we do not have time to lose for the sake of our economy, industry and social welfare. It's time to reinforce the Türkiye perception in the global market and to become a more attractive country for the investors.Our 65th Anniversary and Qualified Transformationürkiye had completed the referendum process for the constitution amendment about the Government System with a very high participation rate in a very peaceful environment, setting an example to all democratic societies.Working for our Industry and Istanbul Chamber of Industry, we continue to support the Employment Movement. Within this framework, we organize meetings to inform our base regarding the employment incentives by cooperating with various industrial and regional associations and non-governmental organizations besides the other activities that we had shared before.Employment Movement and Grandma, the industrialists who are the driving force of sound and sustainable economical growth, play a major role in Turkish economy by producing, exporting, paying taxes and creating employment opportunities.Türkiye Will Never Be Intimidated By power and energy of Türkiye that need to be focused on growth, welfare and civilization are, unfortunately, wanted to be canalized to other directions as we, all, sadly witnessed recently.Our Visionary Suggestions are Put into carry out our efforts and projects with the goal of making Türkiye a strong industrial country following a long-term, wide industrial vision.Keeping Finger on the Pulse of Turkish Economy, Industry and industry magazine keeps its finger on the pulse of Turkish economy, industry and companies as always. We are once again here with a complete magazine following this mentality.The New Production Focused Finance Both in our country and around the globe, a new understanding of economy that intensely focuses on production has moved to the forefront; resulting in the need of creating a new finance vision based on production. Nowadays, the majority of countries share the common desire of a n effective and efficient rapprochement between the production and finance worlds. As the gap between the finance world and real economy widened during the period leading to the last global crisis, some financial institutions have forgotten their fundamental duties of ensuring to turn savings into investments and thus fell away from the world of production. Consequently, the stagnation, which continues to this day, trapped the world economy and it was revealed once again that an economy disconnected from product...Women and Holistic, there is a direct correlation between a country’s economic and human development and women’s participation in social and professional life in that country.School-Industry, at Istanbul Chamber of Industry, pay special attention to education and the youth, the guarantors of the future. When the production regains importance all across the world, our main objective, as industrialists, is to switch to a high value-added production and export structure. And it is only possible through well-educated and qualified labor to produce high value-added goods.Two Main Pillars: Law and are undergoing a period in which legal reforms have become of key importance for our country’s economic development.Towards the Post-Carbonürkiye is about to usher in a new reform period with the newly-formed government following the elections on November 1st. Everybody will have duties and responsibilities in this new period.Ahead of a New Reformürkiye is about to usher in a new reform period with the newly-formed government following the elections on November 1st. Everybody will have duties and responsibilities in this new period.From Entrepreneur to, we took a significant step with "ICI- ITU SEED Entrepreneurship Ecosystem" in cooperation with Istanbul Technical University, an internationally-acclaimed scientific institution.Open month we organized the 13th Industry Congress themed “Confrontation with Mediocrity in the Economy, State, Democracy, Society and Companies; and Exit Strategies”.A Contribution to the Economic Mine of Chamber of Industry (ICI) is the biggest non-governmental organization representing our industry.An Interactive Congress is a brand value for Istanbul Chamber of Industry. Following a long and intense period of work, the congress is now held in a new format in the spirit of our age.Global, stability and predictability have dominated interpretations of developments across the world until the global economic crisis that broke out in the USA in 2008.A Culture of Cooperation and fundamental concept plays a key role in the shaping of 21st century: Co-Creation, a highly influential notion discussed in many platforms across the business world, media and universities.ICI and admits the fact that knowledge is the greatest power of the 21st century. Based on this fact, Istanbul Chamber of Industry lays significant emphasis on cooperation with universities, hotbeds of knowledge.50 Years of History: Easier Said Than Done! strength from its members, Istanbul Chamber of Industry has left behind 63 years of successful efforts to turn Türkiye into an industrialized country.New Economic Model andürkiye needs a new economic development model based on the industry and geared towards finding a way out of the middle income trap."Industrial Strategy Document for Istanbul" Chamber of Industry has been working on "Industrial Strategy Document for Istanbul" for more than a year. The recently finalized document was shared with public at a press meeting in February.Financial age of monetary abundance we have been experiencing until recently has now come to an end. I guess nobody doubts that access to financial resources will not be as easy as it used to be.Life Cycle cycle analysis is a method used to determine, report and mange the environmental impact of a product or service based on scientific data.A Global G20 Leaders Summit hosted by Brisbane, Australia this year took on a different significance for Türkiye... Türkiye will take over G20 term presidency as of December 1, 2014. I participated as Executive Board Member of B20 Türkiye in the G20 Summit in Australia which manifested how Türkiye is followed closely not only by developing countries but by developed countries as well. Indeed, Türkiye will get a very solid foothold in the world agenda throughout 2015 due to this global duty it will assume. The first G20 Leaders Summit was held in 2008 and since then it has focused on global economy. Türkiye's particular emphasis during the Australia Summit on the humanitarian problems and the reinforcement of cooperation to eliminate these problems points out to the fact that our country will...Out-of-the-box competition is gradually increasing across the world. Grabbing a bigger share in the global economy is getting more difficult by the day. Even darker days are awaiting countries with low educational quality and knowledge, weak R&D capacity and insufficient innovation and design power. The universities, academic institutes and research centers in our country have a lot of responsibility in this regard. While nobody imagines that universities will continue to exist as they have done so far, it becomes increasingly indispensible in this new process that universities cooperate way more strongly with industry in a result-oriented manner. In this context, we are observing how universities in developed countries cooperate with industry as they achieve remarkable developments and g...Global Climate climate change is one of the most pressing problems of the 21st century. Due to climate related calamities witnessed in Istanbul and other parts of the country, the issue became a critical part of our agenda too. It should be remembered that climate changes, with resulting effects ranging from draughts to floods and changes in water level, pose a serious problem for social and economic development. There is one thing I would like to point out: Although climate changes have been occurring throughout history, it is the first time this change is brought about by human activity. As this problem is caused by people all around the world, the solution must also be the result of the cumulative efforts of all countries. One of the most dangerous and challenging effects of ...Risk Factors in the we complete the first half of 2014, we see that the recovery process in the world economy is still continuing, but the growth is following a weak and fluctuating course.Second ISO, the research on Türkiye’s second 500 Largest Industrial Businesses is as important as the one on the top 500. The findings of the research proved us right in breaking the main research into 2 sections of 500 each. The following needs to be underlined first: Looking at the results of the survey, the first thing that meets the eye is that today’s small and medium size companies which will shape the future of Türkiye are doing a good job at being open to innovation, flexible, different and making the change quickly. Compared to the top 500 outcomes which we declared last month, companies in this second 500 batch are doing better in some areas, especially in developing technology. As for exports, again, Second 500 Largest Companies outperform both Türkiye and the Top 500 Largest Co...