• New System, New Term

    New System, New Term

    • 14.08.2018
    • Archive

    Türkiye took a step towards a new term short while ago. It was predicted that the new system named as Presidential System of Government would be put into effect following the first Presidential elections. Thus, we are witnessing our new governmental system’s coming into existence following the elections carried out on 24 June 2018 all together.

  • Trade Wars and Planning the Future

    Trade Wars and Planning the Future

    • 24.07.2018
    • Archive

    While considering the opposite, the biggest trade war of the recent history has turned into reality. While trade restrictive measures have been taken mutually between USA and Chine which are the big economies of the world, the blowing protection wind is causing disintegration between USA and European countries.

  • ICI 500, Expansion and Our Industry

    ICI 500, Expansion and Our Industry

    • 26.06.2018
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    There are two significant sources of pride in this year. First, we are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of “Türkiye’s Top 500 Industrial Enterprises” survey of ICI. We, proudly, announced the results of ICI 500 that had witnessed half a century since 1968 as a rare example not just in Türkiye but also in the world.

  • Existing by Working, Producing

    Existing by Working, Producing

    • 22.05.2018
    • Archive

    The countries which have improved their economy and increased their wealth are the countries attaching importance to existing by working and producing. And the route to this passes through a powerful industry supported by production economy.

  • New Term in ICI

    New Term in ICI

    • 25.04.2018
    • Archive

    We realized the elections for Membership of Committee of Profession and Assembly, Assembly Presidency Council, Board of Directors, Discipline Committee, TOBB Delegates and Professional Committee Presidents and Deputies as an example in compliance with strong corporate culture, traditions and values of our Chamber in the first week of April.
