Day 1: Monday, 26 November 2007

10.00-11.30 OPENING SPEECHES C. Tanıl Küçük
Chairman of the Board, İstanbul Chamber of Industry

Hüsamettin Kavi
Speaker of the Chamber Assembly, İstanbul Chamber of Industry

M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu
Chairman of the Board, The Union of Chambers of Turkey

Zafer Çağlayan
Minister of Industry and Trade of Turkey

Keynote Speech:
Technology, Innovation and Competition

Ray Hammond
Business Strategist
13.00-14.00 LUNCH
14.00-16.00 Session 1A Global Trends in Competition and Innovation
* Impact of Economic Developments

* Innovation Trends and Policies

* Innovation and Competition

* Industrial Innovation Trends

Osman Ulagay

Columnist, Milliyet Daily Newspaper


Hasan Ersel
Member of the Advisory Council, TEPAV

John Dryden
Deputy Director Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, OECD

Suzan Sabancı Dinçer
Executive Board Member, Akbank

Prof. Dr. Arie Nagel
Professor of Technology Management, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

14.00-16.00 Session 1B From Innovative Technology to Product
* R&D and Technology Development

* Value Chain Analysis in Innovation

* From Idea to Product

* From Academic Innovation to Product

* Commercial Success Through Innovation

Assoc. Prof. Talat Çiftçi

Founding Partner, Biosfer Consulting


Dr. Erbil Payzın
President, Payzin Consulting

İffet İyigün Meydanlı
R&D System Development Manager, Arçelik

Dr. Ian McKay
Director, EurExcel

Doç. Dr. Atilla Dikbaş
Director of Project Management Center, İstanbul Technical University

Ufuk Güçlü
Chief Deputy General Manager, Ford Otosan

16.00-16.30 COFFEE BREAK
16.30-18.30 Session 2A Dynamics of Regional Competition
* Socio-Economic Trends

* Industrial Trends, Business Opportunities

* Science and Technology

Prof. Dr. İlter Turan

Professor of International Relations, İstanbul Bilgi University


Klaus Rohland
Country Director and Resident Representative of the World Bank in the Russian Federation

Tuğrul Erkin
Chairman of the Turkish-Eurasian Business Councils, Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey

Prof. Dr. Gündüz Ulusoy
Professsor of Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Sabancı University

16.30-18.30 Session 2B Regional Best Practices on Innovation
* Best Practices from Turkey

* From Technopark to Industry

Prof. Dr. Fazilet Vardar Sukan

Coordinator, IRC-Ege


Metin İsmail Taşkın
Chief Technology Officer, AirTies Wireless Networks

Hakan Altınay
General Manager, Kale Altinay Robotics

Dr. İbrahim Nazmi Ekber Onuk
Vice Chairman, Yonca-Onuk JV

Day 2: Tuesday, 27 November 2007


Keynote Speech :
SMEs, Innovation and Technology

Soumitra Dutta
Professor of Business & Technology and Dean of Executive Education, INSEAD
11.00-11.15 COFFEE BREAK
11.15-13.15 Session 3A Global Competition Dynamics and Turkey
* Socio-Economic Trends

* Impact of Global Dynamics

* Industrial Trends, Business Opportunities

* Science and Technology

Dr. Nurşen Numanoğlu

Director, Secretariat General For EU Affairs


Michael Thumann
Die Zeit, Foreign Editor

Andrew Finkel
Columnist, Today's Zaman Daily Newspaper

Prof. Dr. Çelik Kurtoğlu
Chairman of Turkish-Southeastern Europe Business Councils, Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey

Orhan Bursalı
Editor, Cumhuriyet Daily Science and Technology

11.15-13.15 Session 3B Innovative Company
* Innovative Structure in Companies

* Innovation in Final Product

* Innovation in Process

* Innovation in Marketing

Erhan Saylan

CFO, Deloitte Turkey


Dr. Gregg S. Bennett
General Manager, 3M Turkey

Dr. Tolga Yalçınkaya
Chairman of the Board, Orsem Group

Müjdat Altay
General Manager, Nortel Netaş

Ekrem Akyiğit
Chairman of the Board, Collezione

13.15-14.15 LUNCH

Honorary Guest :
Regional Innovation Strategies

Riccardo Illy
President of Friuli Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region
14.45-15.00 COFFEE BREAK
15.00-17.00 Session 4A Enabling Technological Progress and Innovation: International Experience
* Bilim ve Teknoloji ile   Kalkınma

* EU and Innovation

* International Experience: Italy

* International Experience: Korea

Doç. Dr. Cemil Arıkan

Director for Research and Graduate Policy, Sabanci University


Michel Poireau
Head of Unit, European Commission DG Research

Gabriele Gatti
Head Of Marketing and International Relations, AREA Science Park, Italy

Prof. Jungho Sonu
Professor of Construction Management, Myongji University, Seoul-Korea

15.00-17.00 Session 4B Innovative Workforce and Lifelong Learning
* Education and Enabling Environment for Technology and Innovation

* Innovative Human Resources

* Continuous Development, Lifelong Learning

Prof. Turan Özturan

Deputy Rector of Boğaziçi University


Selen Kocabaş
Chief Business Support Officer, Turkcell

Dr. Kemal Tuğcu
President, Ethics Committee of Turkish Personnel Management Association

Murat Yeşildere
Manager Partner, Egon Zehnder Internatıonal Management Consultant

17.00-17.15 COFFEE BREAK
17.15-19.15 Closing Session National Competition Strategy and Innovation

Dr. Yılmaz Argüden

Chairman, ARGE Consulting


Ali Pandır
CEO, Tofaş Türk

Prof. Dr. Dündar Kocaoğlu
Chairman, Portland State University Department of Engineering and Technology Management

Mustafa Boydak
Chairman of the Board, Kayseri Chamber of Industry



C. Tanıl Küçük
Chairman of the Board, İstanbul Chamber of Industry
19.30-20.00 AWARD CEREMONY  
20.00-21.00 RECEPTION