< PreviousAUGUST 2023 The second sustainability report prepared by ICI, a first among the chambers of industry in Türkiye, was presented to all stakeholders and the public. SEPTEMBER 2023 The September ordinary meeting of the Istanbul Chamber of Industry Assembly was held with the main agenda of “Preparing for Transformation for the Industry of the New Era; Evaluation of the 2022 ISO 500 Results in Terms of Our Industry and Economy” and a panel discussion was organized to evaluate the 2022 results of the Türkiye’s Top 500 Industrial Enterprises Survey. OCTOBER 2023 While the October ordinary meeting of the Istanbul Chamber of Industry Assembly was held with the main agenda of “What should be our priorities for the New Generation Industry in the Second Century of our Republic?”, the “100th Anniversary of our Republic Celebration Night” organized within the scope of the 100th anniversary of our Republic was celebrated with great enthusiasm with the participation of Assembly Members and guests. ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 38OCTOBER 2023 Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI) 100. Yıl Cumhuriyet Kindergarten was inaugurated with the participation of Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin. OCTOBER 2023 The ‘Trace and Legacy Exhibition’, which presents the history of our country’s industry, the transformative role of vocational education and the story of the Istanbul Chamber of Industry in an impressive flow, was opened to visitors at Odakule Passage on the 100th anniversary of our Republic. VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 39NOVEMBER 2023 The Third Circular Economy Week of Türkiye, organized by DCube Circular Economy and Sustainability (DCube), Business for Goals (B4G) and Business Council for Sustainable Development (SKD Türkiye) in partnership with Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI), Embassy of Finland and Business Finland, was held at Odakule with the theme “Time to Act”. NOVEMBER 2023 The November Ordinary Assembly Meeting of the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI) Assembly was held with the participation of Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz with the main agenda of “The Importance of Developing State-Private Sector Cooperation to Create the High Technology and Green Economy Based Industry of the 21st Century”. ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 40DECEMBER 2023 Within the scope of the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, ICI contributed to the side event program coordinated by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change and held a panel on “Green Transition and SMEs in the Era of Sustainable Manufacturing”. DECEMBER 2023 At the Istanbul Vocational Education Summit, organized by the Istanbul Chamber of Industry in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education, workshops were held to discuss the steps taken within the scope of the Vocational Education Cooperation Project (ICI MEIP), which the ICI has been conducting with the Ministry since 2019, and developments in the field of vocational education. VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 41SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY • Sustainability Strategy • Governance • Materiality Analysis • Code of Ethics • Quality Management • Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Channels • Memberships and Collaborations • Affiliates and Subsidiaries 43ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY Sustainability Strategy The transformation in the context of sustainability, particularly climate change, has led to a global change in the understanding of manufacturing and consumption. Accordingly, companies today are expected to go beyond financial success through manufacturing and sales to become environmentally and human-friendly organizations. As an organization that provides high-value innovative services to industrial companies and supports the sustainable development of our industry, we believe that new systems in international trade will create risks and opportunities in the context of sustainability, and that transformation is a necessity for our country’s industry. We have adopted a “sustainable manufacturing” approach based on the new manufacturing approach where environmental and social factors, especially climate change, are at the center of manufacturing. Our sustainability vision, which we focus on in line with our mission of guiding our industrialists and which we announced at the press conference hosted by Erdal Bahçıvan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the ICI, at Odakule on June 17, 2021, is “To support our industrial companies to produce high added value in the global value chain and to increase their competitive sustainability competencies”. In order to contribute to sustainable development for a better and livable world, we have adopted global values in the field of sustainability, particularly the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), as a guide in formulating our sustainability strategy. While planning our work, we take into account international developments as well as local and regional sensitivities, and aim to take concrete steps to prepare our industrialists for sustainable transformation and thus support Türkiye’s development. We have identified the six thematic areas that we focus on in our sustainability efforts in this journey that we have undertaken as the locomotive; Climate Change and Sustainable Industry, Circular Economy, Industrial Resilience, Future of Work, Safe Working Environment and Sustainable Finance. We also consider “Sustainability-OrientedInnovation” and “Digital Transformation”, which we consider indispensable for today’s business models, as cross-cutting elements of all our main themes. GRI 2-22, GRI 2-24, GRI 3-1 44VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX Governance We believe in the importance of a good governance structure to create long-term value for all our stakeholders and contribute to our country’s development goals. Sustainable development, defined as meeting current needs without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, is at the heart of our governance structure. Our Board of Directors is the highest level management authority in the sustainability governance structure of our Chamber, taking into account the risks and opportunities that the new systems likely to emerge in international trade will create for our country. In this respect, the decision to add a new branch to the organizational structure in order to coordinate the work guiding industrialists in the field of sustainable manufacturing was taken with the approval of the members of the Assembly in February 2021. The “Sustainability and Coordination Department”, which came into being in this way, reports to the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General, who carry out activities within the framework of the management approach determined by the senior management. The Department’s objectives include integrating the Chamber’s activities with the understanding of sustainable development and guiding industrialists of all sizes, from large to small, on their journey of transformation for sustainable manufacturing. The Department, which works to develop new projects based on the fact that the sustainable manufacturing approach affects a wide range of areas from energy to human resources, from finance to digital transformation, ensures that the work on sustainability is carried out in coordination with other relevant units of the Chamber. The Department, which carries out studies to ensure that the sustainability approach is reflected in the operations of the Chamber and adopted by senior management and all employees, is also responsible for preparing sustainability reports and submitting them to the Board of Directors for approval. In addition to the Sustainability and Coordination Department, the “ICI Sustainability Platform”, which was established to develop strategic recommendations for the activities to be carried out by the ICI in the field of sustainability and to create synergy by bringing together parties related to sustainability, has been operating since 2021. The ICI Sustainability Platform, which operates as a think- tank under the chair of Sultan Tepe, who is a member of Board of Directors of ICI, meets periodically with the participation of industrialists, academics, public, private sector and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) representatives who have valuable studies in the field of sustainability. At the first meeting of the ICI Sustainability Platform in 2023, which took place on March 22, 2023 at Odakule, information was shared about the sustainability activities of the ICI and the sustainability-themed topics in the ICI’s Work Program for the 2022-2026 period, and evaluations were made regarding the developments in the field of sustainability. At the second meeting of the platform held on December 13, 2023, ICI’s 2023 sustainability activities were evaluated and 2024 projects were shared. Moreover, findings and evaluations on the COP28 summit, Istanbul’s current water situation and its impacts on the industrial sector were discussed with the platform members. You can access detailed information about Sustainability Governance on the ICI Sustainability web page. GRI 2-9, GRI 2-12, GRI 2-13, GRI 2-14, GRI 2-16, GRI 2-22, GRI 2-24 45Materiality Analysis We have carried out various studies since December 2020 to identify sustainability priorities, which we see as the starting point of our sustainability efforts. We tried to identify the needs of our stakeholders in the surveys we administered to participants after the sustainability-themed events we organized in 2020. We evaluated our members’ expectations, global and national developments, risks and opportunities in the process of determining priorities with a third-party consulting firm that supported our sustainability efforts with its expert opinion. However, we took into account the parts of the stakeholder analysis of our Chamber’s Strategic Plan, which was prepared within the framework of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) Chamber/Exchange Accreditation System and updated for the 2023-2026 period, during the determination of priorities. Following our assessment within the framework of the focus areas of our sustainability strategy, we updated the Emergency Management heading as Industrial Resilience and Emergency Management and positioned it among the high priorities, taking into account the risks arising from extreme weather events and earthquakes. In this framework, while determining our material issues, we also reviewed the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which are the guidelines of our sustainability strategy, and we have associated our material issues with the relevant Sustainable Development Goals. GRI 2-12, GRI 2- 22, GRI 2- 24, GRI 2-29, GRI 3-1, GRI 3-2 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 46Medium Importance to stakeholders Importance to ICI SignificantHigh 16 14 9 1310 5 6 4 12 8 7 3 2 1 11 15 MATERIAL TOPICS 1. Climate Change 2. Support to Economy and Employment 3. Circular Economy 4. Sustainable Industry 5. Future of Work 6. Safe Working Environments 7. Social Responsibility Projects 8. Innovation and Digital Transformation MATERIAL TOPICS 9. Sectoral Collaborations 10. Employee Rights and Development 11. Internationalization 12. Sustainable Finance 13. Ethics, Transparent Management and Reporting 14. Equal Opportunity and Diversity 15.Resilience of Industry and Emergency Management 16. Biodiversity RELEVANT UN SDGS RELEVANT UN SDGS GRI 2-12, GRI 2- 22, GRI 2- 24, GRI 2-29, GRI 3-1, GRI 3-2 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 47Next >