< PreviousCode of Ethics Quality Management Within the framework of our Chamber’s management approach, we attach importance to the principles of ethical behavior as well as the principles of efficiency and effectiveness. Our Code of Ethical Conduct is included in the Istanbul Chamber of Industry Personnel Internal Directive so that all our employees are informed. In addition, newly recruited employees are informed about the principles of ethical behavior. Our principles of ethical behavior that we take as basis while carrying out our activities; As one of the large and well-established institutions representing the Turkish industry, our aim is to meet customer expectations in a complete, accurate and timely manner, adhering to the principles of impartiality and reliability, within the framework of the demands from our members, the duties and responsibilities assigned to us by law and relevant legislation, while observing the public conscience. In order to maintain our corporate existence and our claim to represent the private sector in changing world conditions and to increase the competitiveness of our members, we are based on the understanding of quality service while carrying out our activities. In this direction, our ICI 9001:2015 Quality Management System, which constitutes the basis for our Chamber’s practices, was first certified by an independent certification body in 1999. With the last audit in 2023, we ensured that the operability, effectiveness and continuity of our system was confirmed. In addition to our Quality Management System, the quality of our training services offered to members by our Chamber was confirmed OBJECTIVITYRELIABILITYINTEGRITYEQUALITYJUSTICERESPECTCOURTESY CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT SOLUTION- ORIENTEDNESS ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFIT INCLUSIVITY SOCIAL BENEFIT EQUAL OPPORTUNITY GRI 2- 22, GRI 2-23, GRI 2- 24, GRI 2-25, GRI 2-26, GRI 3-3 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 48by TS ISO 29993:2020 Education and Training Services Management System certificate after the independent certification body audit in 2020. Within the framework of the innovations brought by the ISO 29993 Standard certification, training processes and decision mechanisms were reviewed with the guidance of ICI Academy consultants. Procedures covering topics such as training needs analysis, training design, trainer selection and cooperation criteria, measurement and evaluation methods were renewed, existing practices were updated, and the quality of the training service provided by the ICI Academy was registered with an international standard. In addition, our Chamber has been certified as an “Accredited Chamber” since 2002, with service quality at the “A-Excellent” level within the scope of the Chamber Accreditation System implemented by TOBB. As a result of the audit conducted by TOBB, it was assessed that our practices and performance continued to improve in 2023. We share the “ICI Strategic Plan”, the content and scope of which we have prepared in accordance with the Chamber Accreditation Guide, on the ICI website. While we continue our efforts to carry out and develop the practices of our Chamber in a way that best meets the requirements of the accreditation system, we continue to work on updating and developing our Quality Management System within the framework of the developing structure and practices of our Chamber. For this purpose, we strictly follow the work we carry out and the goals we set with the strategic plan of our Chamber and evaluate them according to current conditions. You can access our policy documents, which are the most basic elements of our quality service approach, on the ICI web page. QUALITY POLICY HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY COMMUNICATIONS POLICY ICI ACADEMY TRAINING POLICY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES POLICY FISCAL POLICY GRI 2- 22, GRI 2-23, GRI 2- 24, GRI 2-25, GRI 2-26, GRI 3-3 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 49Stakeholder Engagement and Communication Channels While carrying out our activities within the framework of our Quality Policy, we consider participation as one of the fundamental elements of our strategic plan, and we attach importance to communicating effectively with all our stakeholders while carrying out our activities. STAKEHOLDERS MEMBERS SENIOR MANAGEMENT EMPLOYEES PUBLIC AGENCIES LOCAL GOVERNMENTS NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS SECTORAL ORGANIZATIONS SUPPLIERS FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS UNIVERSITIES SOCIETY PRESS GRI 2-12, GRI 2- 22, GRI 2- 24, GRI 2-25, GRI 2-26, GRI 2-29, GRI 3-3, GRI 413-1 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 50Suggestions and complaints about the products and services offered by our Chamber reach us through the suggestion/complaint form on our web page. Incoming notifications are handled by our Quality Management Unit on the basis of resolving them as soon as possible, relevant guidance is given and the process is followed up within the framework of the performance criteria determined. 28 notifications received in 2023 were related to operational level issues and were concluded by taking necessary actions. We also receive evaluations about our Chamber and our services through our evaluation survey, which is constantly active on our website, and evaluate them annually. Details on stakeholder communication and related channels is available at www.iso.org.tr/contact. StakeholdersCommunication ChannelStakeholdersCommunication Channel Members Reports Studies Meetings Fairs Trainings, Seminars, and Workshops Bulletins Sectoral Events and Visits Surveys Corporate Websites Journals Social Media Accounts Odakule, Representative Offices, Service Units Suggestion and Complaint Form Senior Management Reports Periodic Meetings Information Notes Employees Periodic Meetings Trainings, Seminars, and Workshops Internal Events Surveys ICI Information System Suggestion & Complaint Boxes Idea Sharing Platform Public Agencies Reports Meetings Trainings, Seminars, and Workshops Joint Projects Local Governments Reports Meetings Trainings, Seminars, and Workshops Joint Projects Sectoral/ Regional Associations and Organizations Reports Meetings Fairs Trainings, Seminars, and Workshops Joint Projects Press Corporate Websites Social Media Accounts Press Meetings Press Releases and Interviews Universities Joint Projects Meetings Trainings, Seminars, and Workshops Society Trainings, Seminars, and Workshops Corporate Websites Social Media Accounts International Agencies Reports Meetings Joint Projects Financial Institutions Reports Meetings Joint Projects Non- Governmental Organizations Meetings Joint Projects SuppliersOne-to-One Meetings GRI 2-12, GRI 2- 22, GRI 2- 24, GRI 2-25, GRI 2-26, GRI 2-29, GRI 3-3, GRI 413-1 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 51Memberships and Collaborations Affiliates and Subsidiaries İSTANBUL SANAYİ ODASI BELGELENDİRME A.S. İSOBEL Sorted alphabetically. GRI 2- 22, GRI 2- 24, GRI 2-28, GRI 3-3 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 52VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 53VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY • Values Created for Members • Values Created for Employees • Values Created for Environment • Values Created for Society 55ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY Contribution to the Economy VALUES CREATED FOR MEMBERS Since the day we were founded, we have been continuing our activities with the strength we receive from our members’ contributions to the national economy. In 2023, our members, which numbered nearly 24 thousand, realized 32.7 percent of our country’s industrial sector manufacturing. Our monthly Assembly meetings, which are held with the participation of members of the government, local administrators and experts, are an important platform where the current issues of the Turkish and world economy are discussed and the economic problems on the country’s agenda are discussed. Our Sectoral Committees, which form the basis of our work as the consultative body of our Chamber, which is the largest chamber of industry in Türkiye and one of the strongest representatives of our country’s industry, meet at least once a month to make examinations related to their professions and to make proposals to the Board of Directors to discuss the measures they deem useful and necessary. In the 610 meetings held in 2023, 748 recommendations were made covering environmental and social issues as well as economic topics. In addition to the routine monthly meetings held by our Sectoral Committees, meetings with wide participation are also organized in order to strengthen relations with members in professional groups and sector associations, to identify sectoral problems and to develop effective solutions to these problems. In 2023, 39 separate meetings were held with members, sector stakeholders or joint committees to discuss sector-specific problems, solutions and cooperation. The “Assembly Working Groups” practice, which was launched to develop effective cooperation on the issues prioritized by industrialists and to actively contribute to finding solutions to the problems of industrialists, is carried out in different thematic areas in order to make the best use of the experience of ICI Assembly Members. The Working Groups of the Assembly, which continues its mission of carrying the sector forward by carrying out many activities related to the economy and industry in 2023, are; Industrial Settlement and Disaster Management, Industrial Finance, Technology, R&D, Innovation and Digitalization, Working Life and Human Resources, International Relations, Energy Management and Family Companies and Institutionalization. You can access detailed information about our Sectoral Committees on the ICI website, and information about our members’ industrial sector and other economic size of our country in the Members section of our report. 610 Total Number of Meetings Proposed Recommendations 748 GRI 2-16, GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 56VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX In addition to the activities we carry out by law, we improve and develop our service areas in line with the needs of our members. In this context, while our members benefit from the registration, reporting and certification services we provide on many subjects, they can also perform many transactions electronically and receive e-signed documents from our website. They can also update their membership information, obtain a certificate of activity, apply for a capacity report and monitor the process from the “online services” section of our website. In addition, the ICI Mediation Center, which is staffed by independent and impartial mediator lawyers who aim to provide fast, economical and impartial solutions to our members’ disputes among themselves and with third parties, has been working since 2018. Our Main Registration, Reporting and Certification Services Membership and Dues Procedures Manufacturer Certificate Capacity ReportCertificate of Circulation Expertise Reports Investment Incentive Documents Certificate of Activity Turkish Goods Certificate Domestic Goods Certificate Digital Tachograph Domestic Manufacturing Status DocumentICI Incentive Desk Manufacturing Competence CertificateICI Insurance Desk GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 57Next >