< PreviousCapacity reports are the main source of application sought by public institutions in the evaluation of companies, but they are also evaluated to create the necessary information for plans and programs within the scope of creating an industrial inventory, to reveal sector profiles, to provide data for national income studies, and to create a database that will enable international comparisons. As an institution that has many important data sources related to our industry, especially our capacity reports, we are aware of the increasing importance of analyzing and even processing data for institutions today. Based on this understanding, we aim to analyze the big data we have about our industry and ensure that it is used more value-added within and outside the Chamber. We prepare various research, publications and reports to support the development of the industrial sector in our country and to contribute to determining the road map for the future. We also regularly monitor current economic indicators and key macroeconomic indicators of the Turkish economy, and prepare assessments and information notes on indicators such as national income, industrial manufacturing, inflation, employment, foreign trade, balance of payments and the central government budget. Some of the services we provided between January 1 - December 31, 2023; 1,904 pcs 8,068 pcs 2,869 pcs 2,882 pcs 1,484 pcs 1,150 pcs Certificate of ActivityCapacity Report Domestic Goods CertificateExpertise Reports on Export Incentives and Exports Expertise Reports on Import and Customs Other Expertise Reports Our members benefit from our registration, reporting, and certification services across a wide range of areas, and can also complete many transactions electronically, obtaining e-signed documents directly from our website. GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 58The most important of our research, publications and reports, which can be accessed free of charge on the ICI website, is the ISO 500, which attracts great public interest and is our most well- known study. The “Türkiye’s Top 500 Industrial Enterprises” (ISO 500), which we prepare traditionally every year, is a treasure trove of valuable information for the development of our country’s industry with its deep-rooted history of more than 50 years. In addition to this study, the “Türkiye’s Second Top 500 Industrial Enterprises” (ISO Second 500) study, which we have been conducting since 1997, sheds light on the development of small and medium- sized industrial enterprises with approaching 30 years of experience. The ISO 500 surveys, which provide important information on manufacturing, exports, employment, profitability, financing costs, R&D and technology structure, are followed with interest by a wide range of people, especially the economy and the business world, in terms of the development of the Turkish industry. ISO 500 and ISO Second 500 results are available in Turkish and English at www.iso500.org.tr. Other Research and Publications; •ICI Türkiye Manufacturing PMI •ICI Türkiye Sector PMI •Manufacturing PMI Developments in the World •ICI Türkiye Export Climate Index •Sectoral Reports •ICI Financial Developments Report •ICI Investment Incentive Bulletin •Industry Magazine With the long-standing experience of the ICI in this field, we also aim to launch the “ICI Economy Blog” in the coming period, which includes developments in the world and Turkish financial markets as well as up-to-date data on the economy and industry. You can access detailed information about our contributions to the economy in the ICI 2023 Annual Report. GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 59In 2023, we continued our sustainable manufacturing-themed activities in order to coordinate activities to guide industrialists, taking into account the effects of new systems that are likely to emerge in international trade within the framework of climate change and sustainability. In this context, we have carried out studies to support our industrial companies to produce high added value in the global value chain and to increase their competitive sustainability competencies by placing environmental, social and economic factors at the center of manufacturing. In this direction, one of the activities we carry out with the aim of encouraging the development, implementation and dissemination of sustainable manufacturing methods in industry is the ICI Sectoral Sustainability Roadmaps project. This project, which started in 2021, includes guiding sustainability priorities and monitoring indicators for 10 different sectors grouped by the 55 sectoral committees of the ICI. Within the scope of this project, we aimed to facilitate the first steps towards transition to sustainable manufacturing by supporting awareness and capacity building, especially in SMEs, and to encourage performance monitoring on priority issues and preparation for legal regulations in the near future. In 2023, we provided information about the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the European Green Deal (EGD), as well as global best practices, at the ICI Sectoral Committees meetings in order to disseminate the Sectoral Sustainability Roadmaps and to ensure that more industrialists implement them. In 2024, we aim to organize practical trainings on Sectoral Sustainability Roadmaps for 10 different sectors in order to support companies to increase their internal capacity. You can access our Sectoral Sustainability Roadmaps on the ICI Sustainability website. Contribution to Sustainable Manufacturing We have conducted initiatives to support our members in generating high value-added manufacturing within the global value chain and enhancing their competencies in sustainability. GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 60As the fight against climate change increases its place on the agenda every year as a necessity of global trade, it is also at the center of ICI’s sustainability efforts. In this respect, we are aware that industry has an impact on climate change and that developments in the context of climate change and sustainability also affect industrial companies. For this reason, within the scope of the Corporate Carbon Footprint Consultancy project, which we launched in 2021, we support our members in calculating and reporting the corporate greenhouse gas inventory, which is an important step in the process of transition to a low-carbon economy, and facilitate our members to meet with competent consultant companies. As of 2023, the number of applications to our project has reached 100, and we are seeing great interest from companies that export to the EU and operate in energy-intensive sectors. In addition to our consultancy project, we continued our trainings in 2023 to support companies to increase their internal capacity in this area. In this context, a total of 133 people participated in 4 separate sector-based “Sectoral Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculation Trainings”, while we reached a total of 128 participants with the general “TS EN ISO 14064- 1:2019 Calculation Focused Corporate Carbon Footprint Training”, which was repeated 4 times in 2023. We will continue our calculation-oriented trainings in 2024 in accordance with TS EN ISO 14064-1:2019 standard. One of the most important developments in 2023 within the scope of the European Green Deal, which is of particular interest to exporting producers, was the start of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) transition period in the iron and steel, aluminum, cement, fertilizer, electricity and hydrogen sectors as of October 1, 2023. On August 17, 2023, the EU Commission published the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism and a sample calculation tool, separately for businesses outside and inside the EU. In this context, 739 people participated in the “Technical Information Training on the CBAM Implementation Regulation” that we organized on October 13, 2023. The event was also broadcast on ICI YouTube channel and reached 1,000 viewers. While closely following the developments in the EU, Türkiye’s main export market, within the scope of the CBAM, we also care about collaborating with different stakeholders to support our country’s industry. GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 61In this context, Sultan Tepe, Member of the ICI Board of Directors and Chair of the Sustainability Platform, visited the office of Mustafa Tuzcu, Deputy Minister of Trade, and held a meeting to discuss the developments within the scope of the European Green Deal and the cooperation regarding the transition period of the CBAM. Within this framework, the Istanbul Chamber of Industry and the Ministry of Trade collaborated on the “Guidelines for the Implementation of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism” project, which aims to find solutions to the reporting obligations imposed by the CBAM in the “Aluminum” and “Iron & Steel” sectors and the implementation difficulties encountered in this process. Group Iron and Steel and Hot Rolled Products Industry and ICI 37th Group Aluminum Products Industry Sectoral Committees. Following the work carried out in 2023 under these projects, the guidelines were published in 2024. Furthermore, the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change closely monitors the dynamic process of environmental regulations under the European Green Deal and the EU environmental acquis. In this framework, we organized a 10-week “Webinar Series on Turkish Environmental Legislation within the Framework of the EU Green Deal” in cooperation with our Chamber and the Ministry to inform our industrialists about the issues that await them in the future within the scope of the said acquis. In the webinars, where a different legislative topic on environmental protection, sustainability and the environmental impact of industrial activities was discussed each week, information was also provided on the responsibilities of our GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 62ICI Green Agenda Talks January 19, 2023 (Online) Green Transition of Turkish Industry in the Light of Global Developments 405 participants September 13, 2023 (Physical) Agenda for Climate-Changed Manufacturing and Trade: EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism 152 participants industrialists within the scope of the current environmental legislation. A total of 4,250 people attended the webinar series. In line with our vision of sustainable manufacturing, we organize online and physical events with national and international speakers who are experts in their fields to ensure that large audiences are informed about sustainability and to raise awareness on this issue. The ICI Green Agenda Talks, which we conduct within this framework, continued in 2023. Over 550 participants followed our two separate events in 2023. We continue to share regular content on the ICI Green Blog, a digital publishing platform launched in 2021 as one of the activities to guide industrialists in line with our sustainability vision, in order to popularize the understanding of sustainable manufacturing. In the forthcoming period, we will continue to regularly inform our industrialists about the developments in our country and the world on sustainability through the ICI Green Blog and the ICI Green Bulletin, which we regularly publish, in order to increase the awareness and knowledge capacity of our industrialists, especially SMEs. 4,100 single user visit 23,663 single user visit 34,284 single user visit September 1, 2021-January 1, 2022 January 1 - December 31, 2022 January 1 - December 31, 2023 GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 ICI Green Blog VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 63Meanwhile, we have put the Sustainable Manufacturing Glossary at the service of ICI Green Blog visitors in order to help everyone easily understand the terms and concepts of sustainability and to increase awareness and knowledge capacity on this issue. You can access the ICI Green Blog, ICI Green Bulletin and Sustainable Manufacturing Glossary at www.isoyesilblog.com. In 2023, we continued our mini MBA programs on sustainability-related topics and trainings on sustainability reporting, which aim to evaluate the latest developments in this framework by addressing sustainability, which has become an integral part of business strategies today, from many perspectives. We organized “Climate Change and Sustainability Trainings” with the contributions of our ICI Sustainability Platform members in our schools within the scope of ICI MEIP during the 2023 Türkiye Environment Week from June 5 to June 9, 2023, which also includes the World Environment Day on June 5, in order to contribute to the dissemination of the sustainability approach and to raise awareness on this issue, and we reached approximately 1,000 students in 10 schools. April 5-27, 2023 Sustainability Mini MBA 12 different topics 3,844 participants September 4-27, 2023 Sustainable Finance Mini MBA 7 separate seminars 2,550 participants December 5, 2022-January 10, 2023 Circular Economy Mini MBA 193 participants March 30, 2023 and July 25, 2023 Sustainability Performance and Reporting 910 participants GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 64We continued our activities in the Circular Economy, one of the thematic areas where we carry out our sustainability efforts, in 2023. Our 2023 activities within the scope of the Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency Platform Project, which was launched in 2022 in cooperation with the Business Council for Sustainable Development - Türkiye (SKD-Türkiye) and our Chamber, supported by the Istanbul Development Agency (ISTKA); •We conducted site visits for 15 companies. •We shared 21 Cleaner Manufacturing (Resource Efficiency) Reports and 18 Circularity Analysis Reports completed in 2022 with companies in online meetings. •We also prepared General Assessment Reports for the plastics, textile and white goods sectors. •We reached 879 people in total with the European Green Deal Industry Strategy seminars we organized specifically for the plastics and white goods sectors. •In the 12 workshops we organized in four thematic areas, we came together with stakeholders related to these three sectors with a total of 264 participants. After the workshops, we prepared Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency Roadmaps for three sectors. •We reached 180 participants in the six meetings we organized within the scope of Circular Economy Clustering Activities, which brought together actors in the relevant sectors and value chains in line with sectoral action plans and which stand out for the development of circularity. •At the end of the Industrial Symbiosis Workshops, which we organized twice, physically and online, with 150 participants, 199 cooperation opportunities were created. •With the Open Innovation event we organized, we ensured that high value-added, innovative, circular and resource-efficient product and service ideas specific to these three sectors met with industry sector representatives. At the Open Innovation Meeting, where 13 companies selected from the call made presentations, 161 participants followed online. GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 65•We identified two company ambassadors from 21 companies to ensure the development of a qualified workforce, which is one of the objectives of the project. In total, we organized two-day circular economy and two and a half-day resource efficiency trainings for 42 company ambassadors. •We have prepared a total of 137 certificates in three certificate programs on Circular Economy Business Models Innovation Certificate Program, Cleaner Manufacturing Certificate Program and Carbon Footprint Certificate Program for university graduates working in the manufacturing sector or who want to work in this field. •We reached a total of 660 students and teachers with the Cleaner Manufacturing Ambassadors of the Future Program, which covers the topics of Resource Efficiency, Circularity and Cleaner Manufacturing, organized for Vocational High Schools. •The Circular Economy Summit, the closing event of our project, was attended by 386 people. We have also realized different collaborations to accelerate our country’s transition to a circular economy in 2023. The Third Circular Economy Week of Türkiye, organized by DCube Circular Economy and Sustainability (DCube), Business for Goals (B4G) and Business Council for Sustainable Development (SKD Türkiye) in cooperation with ICI and with the contributions of the Embassy of Finland and Business Finland, was held at Odakule on November 7-8, 2023 with the theme “Time to Act”. Topics covered in the event; •“EU’s Perspective and Focused Regulatory Areas in the Framework of Sustainable Manufacturing and Twin Transition”, •“Impacts of the European Green Deal Transition process on Türkiye and the resources and expertise needed”, •“Sustainable materials”, •“Accelerating the transition of our country to circular economy within the framework of eco-industrial areas and green OIZs”, •“Decarbonization in Manufacturing Processes and Circular Economy Relationship”, •“Circularization with Sustainable Materials”, •“Circular Economy Business Models” •“Circular Supply Chain and Green Procurement” GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 66We also took part in international events in 2023 to follow global developments in the circular economy and exchange views with international stakeholders working in this field. We participated in the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) 2023 event held in Helsinki, Finland between May 30-June 2, 2023 with the theme “Circular Solutions and Economy for Nature” with a delegation headed by Sultan Tepe, Member of the ICI Board of Directors and Chair of the Sustainability Platform. In this event, we had the opportunity to come together with business leaders, policy makers and experts working on circular economy from all over the world, and on June 5-6, we attended the Circular Textile Days 2023 event in the Netherlands. In this event, as the ICI delegation, we came together with representatives of the business world operating in the field of circular textiles in the world and contributing to the sustainability of the sector by developing innovative projects, as well as visiting businesses operating in the field of separating waste textiles and obtaining raw materials, and consulted on investments that Türkiye can make in the field of textile waste. Within the framework of the importance of water resources for sustainable industry, we also carried out studies on water and wastewater management in 2023. Additionally to the two different trainings we conducted on this subject, we held a consultation meeting on May 24, 2023 to evaluate “Water and Wastewater Management and Policies” under the chairmanship of Sultan Tepe, Member of the ICI Board of Directors and Chair of the Sustainability Platform. At the meeting, it was decided to prepare a Report on Water-Wastewater Management and Policies in Türkiye and Istanbul by 1773 ITU Teknopark Teknoloji Transfer Ofisi A.Ş. and 15 academics specialized in water, 9 of whom are professors. The “Climate Change and Water Management: Industry Sector Report”, which includes the following topics, was shared with the public in April 2024 by organizing workshops with the participation of relevant stakeholders during the preparation phase. •Impacts of Climate Change on Türkiye’s Water Resources •Sectoral Water Use in Türkiye and Istanbul •Cleaner Manufacturing and Advanced Treatment Technologies in Industry •Holistic Climate (Responsive) Roadmap for the Future, Mitigation and Adaptation Measures/ Recommendations Water and Waste Water Management Trainings January 26, 2023 Online Training on Recycling of Textile Wastewater 39 participants February 15-16, 2023 TS EN ISO 14046 Water Footprint Calculation and Reporting Training for Textile Products and Clothing Industry 29 participants GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 67Next >