< PreviousWe attach great importance to the realization of university-industry cooperation (USI) with concrete projects to increase the competitiveness of the industry. In line with this understanding, we encourage our members to benefit from support programs for university-industry cooperation, and we create high value-added collaborations with universities in order to address the transfer of knowledge and technology between universities and industry with an institutional and systematic approach. In this context, we are working to increase cooperation and collaboration between universities, technoparks, Technology Transfer Offices and industry representatives. EDUCATION AND TRAINING R&D AND INNOVATION DEVELOPING INTERACTION AND COLLABORATION •Internship Collaboration (Short-term and Long-term) •Joint Education and Certificate Programs •Participation in Faculty Advisory Boards and Contribution to Curriculum •Sectoral Seminars and Lectures •Project Collaborations (Grant projects, consultancies, contract projects) •Undergraduate and Graduate Thesis Collaborations (ICI Young Researcher Program) •Commercialization Collaboration •Entrepreunership Collaboration •University Industry Meetings •Research Laboratories Collaboration, Testing and Analysis Services •Industrialist Speeches at Graduations We are working to enhance collaboration and strengthen partnerships between universities, technology parks, Technology Transfer Offices, and industry representatives. GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 78With the vision of “from entrepreneurship to industrialism”, we have been actively supporting the entrepreneurship ecosystem with ICI KOZA since 2015. Bringing together the “entrepreneur-investor- industrialist” trio, which are the most important pillars of a high value-added and manufacturing- oriented entrepreneurship ecosystem, the ICI KOZA Collaboration and Acceleration Program not only accelerates startups, but also goes beyond that, supporting them with training, mentoring and consultancy, and offering a unique industrial cooperation opportunity. With its startup acceleration approach, ICI KOZA aims to play a complementary role to existing incubation centers and entrepreneurship offices, to be a driving force that will carry startups to the next stage and to ensure the rapid growth of startups. The initiatives within ICI KOZA are provided with various supports under the headings of Capacity Building, Business Development, Access to Funds, Collaboration with Industry and Product Development. The “This Month at ICI KOZA” newsletter series, which we launched in 2023, is published every month and announces current events, trainings and project/funding opportunities to startups. “ICI KOZA Entrepreneur Meetings”, which we launched in 2023 with the aim of promoting initiatives and supporting business development processes of ICI KOZA, offers startups the opportunity to introduce their initiatives and products, meet with potential users and develop business. In 2023, five ICI KOZA initiatives were the guests of these meetings. These initiatives are also brought together with ICI’s Sectoral Committees, offering the opportunity to interact with potential users, investors and mentors. In 2023, we brought entrepreneurs together with nine Sectoral Committees. We have joined the COLUMBUS10 Project Consortium under the “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs” (EYE) Project, a cross-border exchange program that gives new entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs with small businesses operating in other countries participating in the EU Single Market Program (SMP). The project aims to match 17 Turkish entrepreneurs with sustainable/green and/or digital business models with experienced entrepreneurs abroad and 17 foreign entrepreneurs with experienced entrepreneurs in Türkiye. The Project, which started in mid-2023, will continue until 2027 with a total of 34 twinning activities. Of the nine entrepreneurs who applied in 2023 for inclusion in the exchange program, the business models of two entrepreneurs were found suitable. Both exchanges, for which suitable partners were identified through the EYE Network collaboration event, are expected to take place in 2024. GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 79In addition, the TOBB Istanbul Young Entrepreneurs Board, which has been carrying out its activities under the coordination of our Chamber since 2009 and consists of representatives of four Chambers in Istanbul, continued its activities in 2023. Within the TOBB Istanbul Young Entrepreneurs Board, 16 working groups were established to realize the mission of developing the Istanbul entrepreneurship ecosystem and carrying out activities that will raise awareness in the society for the formation of initiatives that do not exist in our country. Another project we are carrying out to increase the competitiveness of the industry in our country is the Industrial Design Ecosystem By bringing together designers, SMEs, industry players, and universities, the project aims to increase Türkiye’s share in competitive sectors. As part of this initiative, the Istanbul Chamber of Industry’s Industrial Design and Prototyping Center and ISO ETP have been established and are now operational. GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 80Axis for Istanbul (IDEA4ISTANBUL) Project. The activities of the Project, which is supported by the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye and implemented under the Competitive Sectors Program implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, continued in 2023 in partnership with ITU Industrial Design Department, Industrial Designers Professional Association (ETMK) and Istanbul Development Agency (İSTKA). Within the scope of the Project, which aims to increase Türkiye’s share in competitive sectors by bringing together designers, SMEs, industrial actors and universities, Istanbul Chamber of Industry Industrial Design and Prototyping Center ICI IDP was established and started its operations. ICI IDP aims to support the competitiveness and development of the manufacturing sector through prototyping services, design training and consultancy services, matchmaking activities and acceleration programs. The center contributes to the rapid growth of the manufacturing sector in Türkiye with its technological design and prototyping tools such as 3D printers and 3D scanners, as well as the services it offers through its user experience and virtual reality laboratories. You can access detailed information about the ICI IDP on its website. In addition, we supported our industrialists to gain competence in areas such as entrepreneurship, innovation and digitalization through training, seminars and information days organized with the participation of various institutions and organizations throughout 2023. We have listed some of our activities within this scope below. You can access detailed information about our contributions to innovation in the ICI 2023 Annual Report. Events DateEvent Name Number of Participants 16.01.2023 - 7.04.2023Innovation Scorecard Application Training149 16.02.2023 - 24.02.2023 4.04.2023 MIND4MACHINES Second Call for Digitalization in Manufacturing Launch Event 323 23.05.2023 - 18.07.2023 12.09.2023 - 12.10.2023 28.11.2023 - 26.12.2023 ICI KOZA Entrepreneur Meetings297 13 Haziran 2023 28 Kasım 2023 Digital Vision Meetings242 15 Haziran 2023 Innovation Vision Meetings III: Industrial Applications of Nanotechnology 120 17 Ağustos 2023 KOSGEB Lean Transformation Support and Model Factory Applications Information Day 90 26 Eylül 2023 TUBITAK TEYDEB Supports Information Day and Experience Sharing 261 GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 81Contribution to Working Life As ICI, we organize training programs that shape working life under the roof of ICI Academy in order to strengthen the industry of our country. The ICI Academy aims to contribute to the constructive competitiveness and brand value of companies in the national and international arena by contributing to the knowledge, skills and competence of the participants in the training programs, especially our members, by contributing to the achievement of international standards of knowledge, skills and competence with the education and training policy established within the framework of the “New Generation Business School” motto. In 2023, we continued the service we offered to our members with the vision of “The first address of learning in training and development; to be a pioneer and example in the ecosystem” of the ICI Academy. In this context, we organized 376 trainings with 59,348 participants in 2023, totaling 1,616.5 hours, 64 online trainings, 14 webinars, 33 in-class trainings, 265 mini MBA sessions. In 2023, we continued our Mini MBA programs, which offer participants a visionary perspective while contributing to our country’s need for trained human resources. •Marketing Mini MBA •Energy Efficiency Mini MBA •Operational Excellence Mini MBA •Foreign Trade Mini MBA •Sustainability Mini MBA •Digital Transformation Mini MBA •Corporate Finance Mini MBA •Doing Business with Emerging China Mini MBA •Digital HR Mini MBA •E-commerce Mini MBA •Sustainable Finance Mini MBA •Operational Excellence Mini MBA •Fundamentals of Manufacturing Mini MBA •e-Export Mini MBA Within the framework of our mission to create innovative training programs and inclusive cooperation opportunities by aiming to strengthen university-industry cooperation, we organized two different training programs with Kadir Has University and Galatasaray University. In this context, we completed the Corporate UX (User Experience) Training Program with Kadir Has University and the Strategic Procurement and Supply Chain Management Training Program with Galatasaray University between September 13th and October 5th. GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 82In 2023, we launched a comprehensive research process to determine the training maturity of industrial companies and the development needs of their employees. In cooperation with the Istanbul Chamber of Industry and TEGEP Training and Development Association, a comprehensive report is aimed to be prepared from the data obtained from the Turkish Industrial Companies Workforce Training Needs Survey conducted with the participation of 12 Chambers of Industry in Türkiye. Our project titled “The Future of Work in Manufacturing Industry: Closing the Skills and Gender Gap (ManuFoW)”, supported by European GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 Union funds, officially started on October 1, 2023 within the scope of the grant agreement signed with the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Department of European Union and Financial Assistance. Within the scope of the project, trainings will be provided to relevant target groups in six technology areas within a year, enabling them to improve their existing skills in the manufacturing sector and to acquire new competencies that they do not have. The trainings, which are targeted to benefit 1,730 people in total, will be held at the levels of “Fundamentals of Digitalization”, “Jobs of the Future” and “C-Level Executive Trainings”. We will work with the European partners of our project in the needs analysis, identification of the right target groups and creation of training contents, which constitute the important components of the project. In line with the experiences gained during the project, a report titled “Digital Transformation in the Future of the Manufacturing Industry: A Roadmap for Building the Workforce in Türkiye” will also be prepared. VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 83GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 We continued our activities in 2023 under the umbrella of İSOBEL (İstanbul Sanayi Odası Belgelendirme A.Ş.), which was established in 2021 within the scope of our “Establishment of a VOC-Test Center in the Metal Sector” project funded under the VOC-Test Centers-III Grant Program European Union Pre-Accession Financial Assistance Instrument (IPA) Program. In 2023, 432 people from 234 companies participated in 32 trainings open to general participation organized by ISOBEL. A total of 418 people participated in the 16 trainings organized in workplaces. At the end of 2023, with the cooperation with Dokuz Eylül University, it is aimed to bring the existing cooperation to higher levels by creating comprehensive training programs in addition to the trainings that started in Izmir in early 2024. In 2024, ISOBEL will continue to improve its service scope both by developing its existing resources and by collaborating with different institutions and organizations, especially universities, Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Organized Industrial Zones. The Mahir Eller Project, led by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye in partnership with the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Türkiye (TEPAV), was implemented in 13 provinces (Adana, Ankara, Bursa, Gaziantep, Hatay, İstanbul, İzmir, Kahramanmaraş, Kayseri, Kilis, Konya, Mardin, Şanlıurfa) where Syrians live in large numbers. The project, funded by the European Union, aimed to increase the employability of people with professional competencies by certifying them. With the project that started in July 2018, a total of 4,183 people were profiled in our chamber, and a total of 1,966 people, 479 of whom were Syrian and 1,487 of whom were Turkish citizens, were entitled to receive a vocational qualification certificate. Employment incentives were given to the companies where the successful candidates worked within the quotas determined by TOBB. ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 84GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 In Istanbul, 35 firms benefited from these incentives with a total of 348 employees. The project ended on May 26, 2023. In addition to these, you can access the activities we carry out for vocational high schools, as well as our collaborations and projects in this context, in the Values for Society section of our report. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is among the issues that we contribute to working life for our members and the industry of our country. Within the scope of Safe Working Environment, one of the thematic areas we take into account in our sustainability strategy, we focus on designing the working environment to be as safe as possible even in case of human error, eliminating or minimizing risks so that the health of employees is not endangered, and creating a safety-oriented corporate culture. In this direction, the ICI Occupational Health and Safety Unit continues to guide our member workplaces to operate in a way that does not pose a risk in terms of occupational health and safety. Many studies are being carried out on measures to create healthy working environments in workplaces and the systems and standards to be developed in this regard. It carries out studies to improve OHS processes in cooperation with regulatory and supervisory institutions in the field of OHS, particularly the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. In this context, it gives opinions to the legislation created in line with the evaluations of our industrialists, and similarly, it conveys the opinions and suggestions of our industrialists to the authorized institutions for the legislative articles that need improvement. In addition, taking into account the country’s agenda, studies are also carried out to raise awareness in the field of Occupational Health and Safety. In this context, after the earthquake disaster that occurred on February 6, 2023 and affected 11 provinces, a series of eight seminars titled Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management in Industry was organized to increase the level of awareness of all stakeholders, especially industrialists, against earthquakes. Approximately 2,500 people attended the seminars. VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 85 GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 Taking into account that disasters caused by climate change and naturally occurring disasters in recent years have put human life, living life, the continuity of industry and sustainable manufacturing at risk, and that disasters such as earthquakes, floods, industrial fires, chemical risks and droughts are increasing day by day and directly threaten our metropolitan cities, the ICI launched the “Disaster Management Department” in May 2023 with the principle of “Disaster Resistant Industry”. The main fields of activity of the ICI Disaster Management Department, which aims to make the industrial facilities in the city resilient against disasters, were determined as follows; 1- Due Diligence and Guidance Activities for Members: Disaster Resilience Scorecard creation activities (Industry Check-Up), Disaster and Emergency Management Planning guidance, Inventory of Resource Transfer between Members 2- Training Activities: Disaster awareness trainings for our member companies, Disaster and Emergency Management Planning trainings, MBA/ Certificate Program 3- ICI Corporate Activities: Updating the ICI Disaster and Emergency Management Plan, ICI Disaster Coordination Desk, 4- Information, Management and Policy Making Activities: Creating Disaster and Emergency Management guidelines for industry and creating policy and reports for regulation 5- Project Development Activities: International projects and national projects 6- Activities to be carried out with ICI Stakeholders: Joint activities with TOBB, AFAD, Istanbul Governorship, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, OIZs, insurance and reinsurance authorities and universities. ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 86GRI 3-3, GRI 203-2 In this context, we launched the “Disaster Resilience Scorecard of Industrial Facilities” project. At the end of the project, we will create a comprehensive report and inventory on the disaster resilience of industrial facilities in Istanbul. We also prepared the “Flood Risk Management Guide for Industrial Facilities” as a comprehensive guide for industrial facilities to deal with urban floods and flood risks in Istanbul. The Guide provides a detailed roadmap for industrial facilities to take effective measures against these risks. We also organize trainings to provide participants with a wealth of knowledge and experience on disaster management and resilience in industry. We also organize training sessions to provide participants with knowledge and experience in the field of disaster management and resilience in the industry. Istanbul Chamber of Industry continued its cooperation with Messe Düsseldorf, one of the world’s largest fair organization companies, in 2022. In this context, we participated in the world’s largest Occupational Health and Safety fair held in Düsseldorf, Germany between October 24-27, 2023, with 2,200 exhibitors and more than 65,000 visitors. Within the scope of this cooperation, we addressed the issue of disaster management in industry as well as other topics of occupational health and safety at the Istanbul Chamber of Industry Occupational Health and Safety Symposium simultaneously with the TOSH Expo Occupational Health and Safety Fair at the Istanbul Congress Center between May 2-4, 2024. You can access detailed information about our contributions to working life in the ICI 2023 Annual Report. Events DateEvent Name Number of Participants July 21, 2023Basic Disaster Awareness Training158 August 22, 2023Communication Skills in Disaster Management 358 October 20, 2023Flood Risk Management in Industrial Facilities224 November 23, 2023 Repair, Improvement and Strengthening Methods in Industrial Facilities 163 December 28, 2023Cyber Security and IT Business Continuity in Industrial Facilities186 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 87Next >