< PreviousWe see our trained employees as our most valuable resource that will increase our services that we continue with the philosophy of continuous development and carry our Chamber forward. As of 2023, 91.3 percent of our 115 employees work at our headquarters in Odakule, 3.5 percent at our Yenibosna Branch, and 2.6 percent at our Ümraniye Branch. The ratio of total employees in our Tuzla and Hadımköy Service Units is 2.6 percent. Our Human Resources Policy, which we share with the public on our corporate website, aims to manage with a corporate perspective that takes into account the suggestions and expectations of our employees, encourages them to create innovative business ideas, cares about approaches that strengthen their loyalty, supports the development of private life as well as business life, and creates the infrastructure necessary for them to perform their duties with job satisfaction and high motivation. All principles regarding human resources, including service and working conditions, principles of ethical behavior, determination of staffing, recruitment, remuneration, promotion, training, duties, rights and responsibilities, and retirement or resignation are included in our Personnel Internal Directive and applied to all our employees. Our Human Resources Department manages these processes in coordination with our Financial Affairs Department and the General Secretariat, and ensures communication with our employees. We are trying to meet the personnel needs for open positions in our Chamber by first evaluating them among the existing personnel of our Chamber. If no suitable candidate is found in this way, we evaluate external sources for a suitable candidate. In this context, we made 17 new hires in 2023. For each position, the qualifications and skills required by the duties in our Chamber and the qualifications and skills possessed by the employees are determined, and we also implement the “Employee Evaluation System” in order to achieve the goals set by the management. We also aim to support the personal development of our employees through this system, in which the contributions and participation of our Chamber employees are evaluated in a systematic and as measurable method as possible. Accordingly, we organize trainings for the career and personal development of our employees. We also offer financial support for our employees who wish to pursue a master’s degree or study a foreign language. With the trainings realized in 2023, the average training time per person reached 25.3 hours. 30.22 Female Employees 2023 Average Hours of Training Per Employee Male Employees 21.52 GRI 2-7, GRI 2-20, GRI 2-24, GRI 2-25, GRI 3-3, GRI 403-6, GRI 404-1, GRI 404-2 Employee Rights and Development VALUES CREATED FOR EMPLOYEES ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 88We share our procedures regarding remuneration and fringe benefits with our employees through our Personnel Internal Directive. Within the scope of health services, our employees can benefit from contracted health centers and receive the necessary treatment at health centers. In cases requiring specialization or operation, they can receive services from contracted or preferred health institutions. In addition, Personal Accident Insurance is also available to cover all our employees. Within the framework of our human resources policy, we care about the loyalty of our employees and strive to develop various practices to increase it. As of 2023, our average seniority is 9.16 years and the ratio of employees with 10 years or more of service in our Chamber is 36.5 percent. According to the results of the survey we applied to all our employees in 2023, the overall satisfaction score of employees was 3.25 out of 5, while the employee engagement score was calculated as 3.31 out of 5. We take into account the suggestions and expectations of our employees and accordingly, we carry out the I Have an Idea application within the organization. Within the scope of the application carried out by our Human Resources Department, we expect our employees to submit all kinds of business development ideas via birfikrimvar@iso.org.tr. In 2023, we took action on 10 of the 41 suggestions submitted by our employees and realized their ideas. We also inform our employees about our processes regarding their applications and complaints through the Personnel Internal Directive. We evaluate the applications and complaints that our employees can communicate verbally or in writing within the framework of processes based on the principle of reviewing them by the relevant authority and providing feedback to the relevant person as soon as possible. There are no complaints from our employees in 2023. SOME OF THE TRAININGS WE ORGANIZED FOR OUR EMPLOYEES IN 2023 •Emotional Intelligence •Impressive Presentation Design in Powerpoint •Effective Presentation Techniques •Team Work •Project Writing Training •Innovative Thinking, Creative Problem Solving and Innovation •Effective Time Management •Basic First Aid Training •Odakule Disaster and Emergency Plan Evacuation Training •Document Registration and Representation Studies GRI 2-7, GRI 2-20, GRI 2-24, GRI 2-25, GRI 3-3, GRI 403-6, GRI 404-1, GRI 404-2 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 89Safe Workplace As ICI, we consider providing a safe and healthy work environment for our employees among our fundamental responsibilities and reflect the superior value we attach to people in our work. Within this framework, we fully comply with legal processes regarding occupational health and safety (OHS). In this direction, OHS-related issues of our Chamber are managed under the coordination of the Occupational Health and Safety Unit under the responsibility of our Occupational Safety Specialist and reported directly to our Secretary General, who is responsible for the administrative processes of our Chamber. In addition, quarterly meetings are held regularly with the participation of the Employer Representative, Occupational Safety Specialist, Workplace Physician, Human Resources Manager, Employee Representative and other relevant managers in our OHS Board. With the Risk Assessment Report and Emergency Action Plan prepared by our OHS unit, we identify potential risks and measures to be taken in emergencies. We attach importance to OHS processes and in this context, we carry out the elimination of system malfunctions within the building and regular maintenance. We organize OHS trainings to raise the awareness and consciousness of our employees in the field of occupational health and safety. In 2023, we provided 184 hours of OHS training to a total of 46 employees. We organize regular fire drills as well as fire trainings on fire safety. In addition, a document on OHS processes is included among the documents signed within the scope of the employment contract, and we also provide information on OHS within the orientation training organized at the first recruitment. We attach importance to compliance with OHS processes within the scope of our service procurements as well as our employees. We supervise all our employees and employees of subcontractors within the scope of service procurement within the framework of our current practices. We also expect subcontractors to provide OHS training to their employees. OHS Trainings Number of Employees *Trainings in 2021 were conducted online due to the pandemic. 0 100 200 300 400 Participated in the Training 2022 93 372 2021 82 328 GRI 2-24, GRI 2-25, GRI 3-3, GRI 403-1, GRI 403-2, GRI 403-3, GRI 403-4, GRI 403-5, GRI 403-8, GRI 403-9, GRI 403-10 2023 46 184 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 90Equal Opportunity and Diversity With an understanding of equal opportunity and diversity, we care about providing our employees with a working environment that offers equal opportunities and rights without discrimination on issues such as language, ethnic origin, age, gender, political opinion, belief, mental or physical disability. We take impartiality, honesty, equality, fairness, justice, respect, courtesy, courtesy, reliability, participation, solution-orientation, equal opportunity and continuous development as a basis while performing our activities in line with our principles of ethical behavior, which are part of the Personnel Internal Directive, which determines the practices of our Chamber regarding human resources. In this context, we attach importance to the presence of women in business life and support gender equality at every stage of human resources processes from recruitment to career development. In 2023, 43.5 percent of all our employees and 36 percent of our managers and higher-level executives will be women. In 2023, 38 percent of our employees promoted are women. In addition, the rate of female members in the Board of Directors is 9 percent. We care about ensuring work-life balance in our work environment, and we support our female employees to return to work after giving birth and to continue their careers where they left off. Our female employees who use maternity leave under the conditions specified by law are entitled to use three hours of milk leave per day in the first six months and one and a half hours of milk leave per day in the second six months after the end of their maternity leave. We rely on the choice of the female employee as to the hours and the number of times a day that she can use her breastfeeding leave. We also care about receiving feedback from our employees, whom we inform via e-mail about decisions and developments in human resources-related processes. Within the scope of our processes regarding the applications and complaints of our employees, which we carry out in accordance with the Personnel Internal Directive, we did not receive any complaints regarding race, religion, language or gender discrimination in 2023. GRI 2-24, GRI 2-25, GRI 3-3, GRI 401-3 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 91VALUES CREATED FOR ENVIRONMENT Within the scope of environmental benefit, which is among the principles of ethical behavior that we take as basis while carrying out our activities, as Istanbul Chamber of Industry, we care about monitoring our environmental impacts in the locations where we operate and reducing negative impacts. In this context, our main service building Odakule is LEED Gold certified by the U.S. Green Building Council. The certification “LEED 2009” received in March 2018 covers new buildings and major renovations. In the period 2015-2017, the Odakule building underwent a comprehensive renovation process from top to bottom in the light of environmentally friendly and smart equipment in order to fully respond to today’s needs. In 2022, the ICI Headquarters Building Odakule 2022 received the “Zero Waste Certificate” from the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change. Under the coordination of the Istanbul Chamber of Industry, waste generation is minimized in the Odakule building under the Zero Waste Regulation and circular economy approach to cover ICI and Odakule tenant institutions, and waste that cannot be prevented is collected separately at the source and recycled and brought into the economy. We also conducted 60 person x hour in-house sustainability training in 2023. GRI 2-25, GRI 3-3, GRI 413-1 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 92Our work on the “Document” module of the Electronic Document Management System (EBYS), which is one of the critical points in line with the digital transformation strategies of our Chamber, has been significantly completed by 2023. With the launch of the Internal and External Document Module system, transaction times will be shortened and labor, time and stationery costs will be saved. The establishment of the EBYS system, which will add added value to our Chamber in the context of digital transformation, will also support the reduction of our environmental footprint in certain areas. The NFC-supported Digital Business Card project we carried out in 2023, which brings together our employees’ corporate ID cards and business cards under a single card, will also contribute to reducing paper consumption. In 2023, we repeated the corporate carbon footprint calculation study, which can be considered as the first step in combating climate change, for Odakule, our representative offices and service units, with the awareness that the effects of climate change require all institutions, regardless of sector and scale, to take action with a mitigation and adaptation perspective. In addition, within the framework of our responsible service approach, we switched to green tariffs in 2022 at the meters in Odakule, especially to reduce our emissions from the electricity we purchase. You can access the details of the study conducted in accordance with TS EN ISO 14064-1:2019 Standard in the Environmental Performance section of our report. 19.1 % Scope 3 (164.56 CO 2 e) Scope 1 (254.41 CO 2 e) Scope 2 (438.92 CO 2 e) 29.7 % 51.2 % GRI 2-25, GRI 3-3, GRI 413-1 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 93VALUES CREATED FOR SOCIETY Undoubtedly, the most important event for our society in 2023 was the earthquakes centered in Kahramanmaraş and affecting 11 provinces. As ICI, we took swift action to alleviate the suffering caused by this extraordinary disaster, which caused deep sorrow throughout Türkiye. During this painful period, it played an important role in rebuilding life in the region. Within the scope of humanitarian aid efforts carried out under the coordination of AFAD and in cooperation with Hatay Governorship and Antakya District Governorship, the ICI Life City project with 1000 containers was realized by the ICI with the support of ICI Assembly and Professional Committee Members, İSOV Board of Trustees, ICI members, local and international donors. This special project of ICI has once again demonstrated not only its leadership in the business world, but also its leadership in the field of social responsibility. After the installation of the containers and infrastructure works were completed with great care, the items inside the containers were placed under the coordination of AFAD. In May 2023, AFAD delivered containers to 1000 families and nearly 4000 citizens in need. As the Istanbul Chamber of Industry, we have introduced a new understanding of vocational high school-industry cooperation with the approach of “The Future is in Vocational High Schools” and the goal of “Qualified School, Qualified Graduate, Qualified Employment”. In this direction, we are trying to make being a GRI 3-3, GRI 413-1 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 94vocational high school proud and prestigious with the “Vocational Education Cooperation Project” we carry out with the Ministry of National Education. On January 25, 2019, we signed the “Vocational Education Cooperation Protocol” (MEIP) with the Ministry of National Education (MoNE), the Ministry of Industry and Technology (MoIT), Istanbul Technical University (ITU) and Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO). We aim to design education programs in vocational and technical education schools in Istanbul together with the sector and to prepare graduates for business life by increasing their quality. We support 43 Vocational and Technical Anatolian Anatolian High Schools (MTAL), 1 Vocational Training Center (MESEM), 11 Fine Arts High Schools (GSL) and 23 Special Education Vocational High Schools within the scope of the model where schools and Istanbul Chamber of Industry Sectoral Committees are functionally matched. In 2023, we continued our work within the scope of the cooperation protocol signed in order to fully implement a structure that has the qualifications to meet the labor force needs of the sector in vocational and technical education, can adapt quickly and effectively to developing technology, and where stakeholders actively participate in planning and decision-making processes. Istanbul Vocational Education Summit was organized on December 8, 2023 in cooperation with the Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI) and the Ministry of National Education (MoNE). At the summit, which was hosted by ICI Chairman Erdal Bahçıvan with the participation of Minister GRI 3-3, GRI 413-1 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 95of National Education Yusuf Tekin, the steps taken within the scope of the Vocational Education Cooperation Project (ICI MEIP), which the ICI has been conducting with the Ministry of National Education since 2019, were discussed. The summit continued throughout the day with workshops on developments in the field of vocational education. At the summit, the schools that were entitled to receive support within the scope of ICI MEIP Atilla Altuntaş Project Support were also announced and plaques were presented to the school principals. As a result of the evaluation of 102 project applications by 38 schools in 2023, 29 projects of 27 schools were eligible for support and 4 million TL worth of support was transferred to schools in December. Applications made until 2023 consisted of infrastructure, education, revolving fund, social responsibility and socialization categories, while this year the application content was enriched by adding digital transformation, energy efficiency, employment, sustainability, gender equality and school promotion-communication categories to these categories. In order to evaluate the activities carried out within the scope of ICI MEIP and to determine the strategic steps to be taken in the future, the Protocol Executive Committee (PYK) Upper Board, which consists of the representatives of the Protocol Executive Committee (PYK) working in schools, held its first board meeting on February 1, 2023, and the second meeting was held on March 12, 2023. In addition to supporting the work in schools, we continue to work to support all schools. One of the most important of these efforts is the customized administrator development program for principals and vice-principals in ICI MEIP schools, which is designed to identify the potential of vice-principals, who are the future principal candidates in ICI MEIP schools, and to train them in advance. We designed the program for assistant managers in four separate sessions and held it under the title of Agile Project Management on March 7, March 9, March 14 and March 21, 2023 at Odakule. GRI 3-3, GRI 413-1 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 96One of the innovative aspects of the protocol is the transformation of school-based ideas and studies into activities for other vocational high schools within the scope of the protocol. During 2023; we organized 5 career day events, 9 PYK-teacher meetings, 19 PYK-student meetings, 5 PYK-parent meetings, 3 school promotion activities, 52 technical trips. In June 2023, we organized Climate Change and Sustainability Trainings in 10 schools in total. We reached more than 4,000 people through these meetings, trainings and events for teachers, students and parents. Mehmet Rıfat Evyap MTAL within the scope of ICI MEIP operates as Türkiye’s first Software High School. The Software High School, which started accepting students in 2021, continued to work meticulously in 2023 to ensure that it will be a school that will train sought-after employees through excellent education, project-based income model and the bright career it will create for its students in the field of software, with the aim of ranking high in the success ranking. On October 19, 2023, in a meeting moderated by ICI to shape the new term activities of Türkiye’s first Software High School, a new term roadmap was created with the strategic partnership of Arçelik, Cambridge University Press, Koç University and Microsoft and stakeholder contributions were received. We care about tracking project outputs to ensure the effectiveness of our work. In this context, with the study we launched in the 2021-2022 academic year, we monitor the employment status of students graduating from all schools within the scope of ICI MEIP. In this context, according to the data we requested from the schools, 2,272 out of 5,471 students who graduated from ICI MEIP schools were employed in their field in the 2022-2023 period. While the employment rate in the field was 36 percent in 2022, this rate increased to 42 percent in 2023, while the employment rate outside the field was 18 percent and the rate of university graduates was 13 percent. In the field of machinery, we realized the cooperation of Istanbul Chamber of Industry and GNC Makina with the aim of realizing vocational training and employment processes and raising well-equipped operators with the trainings to be provided in the field of machining. In this context, on May 22, 2023, a group of 60 students from the Machinery and Metal Technology Departments of certain ICI MEIP schools participated in an event organized by GNC Academy for World CNC Operators Day. GRI 3-3, GRI 413-1 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 97Next >