< PreviousSince 2003, the World Chambers Competition is the only global awards program that recognizes and rewards the most innovative and entrepreneurial solutions to global challenges from chambers of commerce and industry around the world. The World Chambers Congress, organized every two years by the World Chambers Federation (WCF) operating under the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), was held for the 13th time in 2023 with the theme “Achieving Peace and Prosperity through Multilateralism”. As ICI, we participated in the competition with ICI MEIP and we were proud to be one of the 4 finalists in the “Best Partnership Project” category of the 2023 World Chambers Competition, where 111 chambers from 47 countries competed. Within the scope of the European Union’s Erasmus+ Program, we enable students and teachers from ICI MEIP schools to participate in skills training/internships, on-the-job training and courses in companies, vocational and technical schools or institutes abroad. Within the scope of the program, we aim for a group of 1,500 people consisting of teachers, students, experts, school principals and Istanbul Chamber of Industry employees related to vocational education to gain experience abroad and see examples of good practices. In this direction, we successfully completed the mobility with 352 participants in 2023. In addition, on April 12-13, 2023, 6 vocational education experts from the Netherlands-based Yuverta International came to Istanbul to exchange knowledge and experience with our teachers in the fields of machinery, metal and electrical-electronic technology. The European Internship Consortium was established by Istanbul Kültür University, Üsküdar University, Kadir Has University, Sabancı University, Istanbul Chamber of Industry, Istanbul Chamber of Industry, Turkish Informatics Foundation and Turkish Cultural Foundation in 2014 under the EU’s Erasmus+ program to support internship mobility of university students and mobility of academic/ administrative staff of universities. Until 2023, the consortium sent 413 university students to 23 different countries for internships with a grant of approximately 820,000 euros. In 2023, the mobility of 10 students and staff was carried out to 11 countries with a total budget of 48,800 euros. We aim to train the qualified workforce that our country needs in the field of welding in accordance with international standards through the Welding Centers of Excellence established in five selected Vocational and Technical Anatolian High Schools in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education, General Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education, Istanbul Chamber of Industry, Istanbul Gedik University and Gedik Kaynak. In this context, we organize stakeholder meetings, teacher workshops, promotional activities for students, career days, technical trips and various seminars. ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 98Within the scope of the Special Education Vocational Schools project, we aim to include students with mild mental and/or physical disabilities in the employment process by providing them with non-compulsory on-the-job training in addition to their theoretical education. In the project, in which seven special education vocational schools are involved, we conduct a profile analysis of the list of students sent by the Provincial Directorate of National Education and the schools and make student-enterprise matching to determine which enterprises they will be placed in and how. A total of 15 students were involved in the process until the 2023-2024 academic year and five students were employed. In the 2023-2024 academic year, the internship processes of 14 new students were initiated. By the end of 2024, we aim to start the internship processes of a total of 20 students. You can access detailed information about our efforts to contribute to vocational education in the ICI 2023 Annual Report. Supporting the project initiated by the Ministry of National Education within the scope of “Preschool Education”, Istanbul Chamber of Industry opened the Istanbul Chamber of Industry 100th Year Republic Kindergarten with 12 classrooms in Sancaktepe district on October 30, 2023 with the participation of Minister of National Education Yusuf Tekin. The Istanbul Chamber of Industry 100th Year Republic Kindergarten project, which includes 12 classrooms as well as a conference hall, dining hall and playgrounds, aims to ensure that our children gain a solid foundation in early education and complete their preparations for primary school in the best way possible. As the Istanbul Chamber of Industry, we have once again reinforced our vision of providing a qualified educational environment for our children, the guarantee of our future, with this important step. VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 99As the Istanbul Chamber of Industry, we care about creating value for our society in the fields of education, culture and arts, and we prioritize the support of young people in particular. Accordingly, on March 21, 1994, the Istanbul Chamber of Industry Foundation (ICIF) was established on the initiative of your Assembly members to continue the social and cultural activities of our Chamber. ISOV carries out its projects with the awareness that it plays an important role in sustainable development and increasing social welfare. Reaching the highest number of scholarship recipients in 2023, İSOV provided scholarships to a total of 1,300 prospective engineers, including scholarships with special conditions. It continued its contributions in the field of education by organizing a total of 35 trainings and webinars in 10 different fields. The mini MBA programs organized in cooperation with the ICI Academy and the experience sharing events organized by the ICI Sectoral Committees contributed greatly to the professional and personal development of young people. Business visits were organized for them to examine the manufacturing on site and get an idea of the business life they will be in in the future. In 2023, ISOV added the “Online Internship System” to the “Online Scholarship System” designed in accordance with the needs of the modern age for scholarship holders and graduates. To be launched in 2024, this innovative system will include the CVs of ISOV scholarship holders, especially engineer candidates, and will automatically match suitable candidates with the advertisements of companies looking for interns, enabling scholarship holders to make an effective connection according to the type of internship and location information. GRI 3-3, GRI 413-1 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 100İSOV collaborates with many institutions and organizations to produce projects that motivate and develop young people, allowing us to get to know the potential workforce closely, encourage the creativity of young people and support the reserve workforce. Detailed information about ISOV and its activities is available on the ICIF website and the ICI 2023 Annual Report. The ICI Art Gallery also continues its activities to support culture and art within the framework of the social responsibility activities of our Chamber. Our art gallery, which started its operations in 2004, covers various art branches such as painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, video, industrial design, graphics, textile and digital art, including original and contemporary works. On the 100th anniversary of our Republic, which we celebrated in 2023 by once again emphasizing our deep commitment to the principles and values of our Republic, Istanbul Chamber of Industry, as Türkiye’s longest-established chamber of industry, stood out with its socially responsible, educational, cultural and artistic celebration activities in order to make the 100th anniversary of our Republic more meaningful and to reinforce the achievements of our Republic. In this context, ICI hosted an interactive experience exhibition that emphasized Türkiye’s strong industrial heritage and the ideal of future development. This exhibition, which took place in Odakule Passage on the 100th anniversary of our Republic, presented the history of Turkish industry, the transformative power of vocational education and the story of the ICI from its foundation to the present day in an impressive flow, offering the audience the opportunity to discover historical and future potential. Taking place from October 25 to November 25, 2023, Trace and Legacy: A Visual Journey into the Industrial Memory exhibition, presented the rich industrial history in a visual experience through interactive digital platforms, inspired by the infinite possibilities of the future while preserving the legacy of the past. You can find detailed information about the ICI Art Gallery on our gallery’s website. GRI 3-3, GRI 413-1 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 101SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY • Environmental Performance • Social Performance 103ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY Environmental Performance *Electricity consumption data given above for data for 2021 shows the total consumption of the Odakule head office, Yenibosna and Ümraniye Branches, along with the Tuzla and Hadımköy Service Units. In 2022 and 2023, the table shows the total consumption data for the Odakule head office, Yenibosna and Ümraniye Branches, and the Hadımköy Service Unit. **Water Consumption indicates the tap water consumption. The source is the mains network, and assumed as the total amount of the used water was discharged. In 2021, the table indicates the total consumption data for the Odakule head office with the Yenibosna and Ümraniye Branches. In 2022 and 2023, the total consumption data for the Odakule head office, Yenibosna and Ümraniye Branches, as well as the Hadımköy Service Unit was included in the table. ***Indicatesthe fuel consumption for owned and leased vehicles, as well as for the generators. ****Paper Consumption includes magazines and calendars printed in 2021. In 2022 and 2023, there were no printed magazines. Paper consumption takes into account printed calendars and purchased A4 papers. *****The corporate boundaries were determined by the “operational control approach”. In line with TS EN ISO 14064-1:2019 standard and the evaluation of importance based on the new categories, in 2022 and 2023, Scope 1 includes Category 1 - Direct emissions from stationary combustion, Direct emissions from mobile combustion, Direct fugitive emissions arise from the release of GHGs in anthropogenic systems; Scope 2 includes Category 2 - Indirect emissions from imported electricity; Scope 3 includes Category 3 - Emissions from Business Travel, Category 4 - Emissions from Purchased Raw Materials/Products/Semi-Products, Emissions from Solid and Liquid Waste Disposal, and Emissions from Purchased Services. The improvement of data quality also affects changes in greenhouse gas emissions. ******In 2022 and 2023, the Scope 3 calculation encompasses business-related air travel, tap water usage, paper usage, waste disposal, air conditioning maintenance service, fuel procurement, and electricity transmission and distribution losses. Emissions from fuel consumption in leased vehicles were included in Scope 1 due to the operational control approach. Consumption Data202120222023 Electricity (MWh)*828.79 915.73 916.34 Electricity Per Capita (MWh)*7.33 7.96 7.97 Water Consumption (megaliters)**3.78 3.86 4.49 Water Consumption Per Capita (megaliters)**0.03 0.03 0.04 Diesel (TJ)***0.78 0.87 1.26 Petrol (TJ)***0.12 0.16 0.14 Paper Consumption (tonnes)****13.16 12.25 13.93 Greenhouse Gas Emissions (tonnes CO2e)*****202120222023 Scope 173.37141.92254.41 Scope 2355.80402.92438.92 Scope 3******194.56100.58164.56 Scope 1+2 Per Capita3.804.746.03 GRI 3-3, GRI 302-1, GRI 302-2, GRI 303-3, GRI 303-4, GRI 305-1, GRI 305-2, GRI 305-3, GRI 305-4 104VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX Social Performance * Interns were not included 202120222023 Female MaleFemale MaleFemale Male Employees by Gender417246695065 Total113115115 202120222023 Employees by LocationFemale MaleFemale MaleFemale Male Odakule406345604956 Yenibosna Branch050504 Ümraniye Branch121212 Tuzla Service Unit010101 Hadımköy Service Unit010102 Total113115115 202120222023 Employees by Employment TypeFemale MaleFemale MaleFemale Male Full-time387043684864 Part-time3*23*12*1 Total113115115 * The number of women employed with part-time work after maternity leave or unpaid leave was included 202120222023 Employees by AgeFemale ErkekFemale ErkekFemale Erkek Under 30575979 Between 30-50354939384138 Above 50116222218 Total113115115 202120222023 Employees by Term of ServiceFemale MaleFemale MaleFemale Male 0-5 Years132619242324 5-10 Years1116718818 10+ Years173020271923 Subtotal by Gender113115115 GRI 2-7, GRI 2-8, GRI 3-3, GRI 405-1 105202120222023 Employees holding Managerial Positions (Manager and Above)Female MaleFemale MaleFemale Male Under 30000000 Between 30-509107886 Above 501617110 Subtotal by Gender1016815916 Total262325 202120222023 Board Members by Age and GenderFemale MaleFemale MaleFemale Male Under 30000000 Between 30-50000101 Above 501101919 Subtotal by Gender110110110 Total111111 202120222023 Assembly MembersFemale MaleFemale MaleFemale Male Under 30000000 Between 30-50421127129 Above 50491498496 Subtotal by Gender811251255125 Total120130130 202120222023 Sectoral Committee MembersFemale MaleFemale MaleFemale Male Under 30000111 Between 30-5075811651168 Above 5051057100698 Subtotal by Gender121631816618167 Total175184185 GRI 2-7, GRI 2-8, GRI 3-3, GRI 405-1 ABOUT THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 2023 DEVELOPMENTS SUSTAINABILITY IN THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY 106202120222023 Female MaleFemale MaleFemale Male Employees with Disabilities111020 Total212 202120222023 Resignations by AgeFemale MaleFemale MaleFemale Male Under 30211211 Between 30-50532844 Above 50000307 Subtotal by Gender74313512 Total111617 202120222023 New Hires by AgeFemale MaleFemale MaleFemale Male Under 30313655 Between 30-50366433 Above 50000001 Subtotal by Gender6791089 Total131917 * Interns were not included * Resignation, termination, fixed-term contract expiration and retirement numbers are included. 202120222023 Female MaleFemale MaleFemale Male Employee Turnover (Percent)17.075.566.5218.841018.46 Total9.7313.9114.78 Employee Turnover = (Employees who resigned/Total employees as of the end of the year)*100 202120222023 Female MaleFemale MaleFemale Male Average Term of Service9.3911.658.8511.468.39.82 Total10.8310.429.16 GRI 2-7, GRI 2-8, GRI 3-3, GRI 401-1, GRI 405-1 VALUES CREATED BY THE ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY SUSTAINABILITY PERFORMANCE OF ISTANBUL CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY GRI CONTENT INDEX 107Next >