Istanbul Chamber Of Industry


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This year, Innovation Exhibition will be a part in the scope of the Industry Congress, for the 4th time.
11th Industry Congress and Innovation Exhibition" aims that companies and institutions introduce their innovative and technological products or completed projects to build co- operations.

In previous years 121 companies and institutions with 295 projects, have been participated to the "Innovation Exhibitions".

Companies and institutions have the opportunity to exhibit their products or completed projects in stands organized in three thematic areas: "Knowledge", "Ideas and Projects" and "Innovation".


These three thematic areas are:

  • Knowledge: In this area, various sessions will be held to in order to share up-to-date information and expertise produced in Turkey and in the world on science and technology. Information stands and services on innovation support will also be found in this area. Relevant public bodies, institutions and organizations giving support services on innovation and science will be presented here.

    Eski�ehir Sanayi Odas�
    �T� Ar� Teknokent
    KOB� Giri�im Sermayesi Yat�r�m Ortakl���
    K���k ve Orta �l�ekli ��letmeleri Geli�tirme ve Destekleme �daresi Ba�kanl��� (KOSGEB)
    Mersin Ticaret ve Sanayi Odas�
    Milli Savunma Bakanl��� Savunma Sanayi M�ste�arl���
    T.C. Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanl���
    T�B�TAK 7. �P Ofisi
    T�B�TAK Marmara Teknokent
    T�B�TAK Teknoloji ve Yenilik Destek Programlar� Ba�kanl��� (TEYDEB)
    T�rkiye Kalite Derne�i (KALDER)
    T�rk Patent Enstit�s� (TPE)
    T�rk Standardlar� Enstit�s� (TSE)
  • Ideas and Projects: In this area, completed and industry applicable projects of universities and research institutions will be exhibited. Universities, research institutions and organizations, innovative projects for the benefit of industry of universities or institutions placed in innovation and technology competitions will be located in this section. 

    Ankara �niversitesi K�k H�cre Enstit�s�
    Bo�azi�i �niversitesi Hidrojen Arabas� Tak�m� (BUHAR)
    �stanbul Teknik �niversitesi End�stri �r�nleri Tasar�m� B�l�m�
    �stanbul �niversitesi
    Kocaeli �niversitesi Lazer Teknolojileri Ara�t�rma ve Uygulama Merkezi (LATARUM)
    Mersin �niversitesi �leri Teknoloji E�itim, Ara�t�rma ve Uygulama Merkezi (ME�TAM)
    Mimar Sinan G�zel Sanatlar �niversitesi End�stri �r�nleri Tasar�m� B�l�m�
    Orta Do�u Teknik �niversitesi
    Orta Do�u Teknik �niversitesi End�stri �r�nleri Tasar�m� B�l�m�
    Sabanc� �niversitesi
    T�B�TAK Marmara Ara�t�rma Merkezi (MAM)
    Ulusal Bor Ara�t�rma Enstit�s� (BOREN)
    Y�ld�z Teknik �niversitesi
  • Innovation: This is the exhibition area, where innovative products put in the market or in prototype stage, also organizations mediating the finance of innovation will be found. In this section, industrial companies, firms in Technocities, finance institutions, banks and venture capital firms will also be located.

    Aslanda� Ah�ap ve �n�. San. Tic. Ltd. �ti.
    Dirinler Makina San. ve Tic. A.�.
    ENTES Elektronik Cihazlar �malat ve Ticaret A.�.
    Esan Eczac�ba�� End�striyel Hammaddeler San. Tic. A.�. - Nanokil Projesi
    Kaleseramik �anakkale Kalebodur Ser. San. A.�.
    Mir Ara�t�rma ve Geli�tirme San. Tic. A.�.
    Optitek Bili�im Teknolojileri Ltd. �ti.
    Otam Otomotiv Teknolojileri Ara�t�rma Geli�tirme San. Tic. A.�.
    Prm Yaz�l�m ve Dan��manl�k Tic. Ltd. �ti.
    Royal Hal� Tekstil Mobilya San. ve Tic. A.�.
    Tura� Gaz Armat�rleri San. ve Tic. A.�.