Istanbul Chamber Of Industry


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C. Tan�l KÜÇÜK - �stanbul Sanayi Odas� Yönetim Kurulu Ba�kan�Established in 1952, Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ICI) is the most powerful representative of the Turkish manufacturing industry and has been working for the development and competitiveness of the manufacturing sector in Turkey.

One of the most important projects generated in parallel with this aim is the first Industry Congress held in 2002 with the main theme of "Sustainable Competitiveness", on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of our Chamber. Motivated by the vast interest of the participants and the public, ICI decided to carry on this discussion platform on annual basis.

Over 9.800 participants were hosted in our Congress in past 10 years and 448 speakers took place in 102 sessions. 95 foreign speakers, including 21 keynote speakers, shared their ideas and experiences with participants.

Our 11th Industry Congress will be held in Istanbul on December 19-20, 2012 with the main theme of "Sustainable Competitiveness: Regional Production, Global Power".

On our Innovation Exhibition, industrial companies, universities and research institutions will able to present their innovative products, completed projects and venture capitalists and organizations mediating the finance of innovation will be exhibited.

We believe "11th Industry Congress and Innovation Exhibition" will be a beneficial step within our efforts to exchange knowledge with our members and the public and wish to see you with us during the event.



C. Tan�l KÜÇÜK
Istanbul Chamber of Industry
Chairman of the Board