kongreEstablished in 1952, İstanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO) is the most powerful representative of the Turkish manufacturing industry and has been working for the development and competitiveness of the manufacturing sector in Turkey.

1st Industry Congress, held in 2002, launched a platform for dialogue on industrial policies and strategies with both macroeconomic and micro issues in mind for the sustainable competitiveness of Turkey. Motivated by the vast interest and the positive feedback from the participants and the public, ISO decided to carry on this discussion platform on annual bases.

This year an Innovation Exhibition is also a part of our Industry Congress and titled as “8th Industry Congress and Innovation Exhibition” will be held in Istanbul on December 15-16, 2009 with the theme of  “Sustainable Competitiveness: The New Path After the Crisis”. Companies and institutions will able to present their innovative products and completed projects, expected that to rise the possibilities of cooperation. Products and completed projects will be presented in the thematic fields such as “Knowledge”, “Ideas & Projects” and “Innovation”
The audience of the Congress has the chance to listen both experts’ opinions and views, and the real life experiences or success stories in a world of dynamic business environment to acquire sustainable competitive strength.

We believe “8th Industry Congress and Innovation Exhibition” will be a fruitful platform to learn and exchange knowledge about Turkish business environment and wish to see you with us during the event.

C. Tanıl KÜÇÜK
Istanbul Chamber of Industry
Chairman of the Board